Do you consider yourself beautiful? □ Yes □ No

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Looking at this portrait of a girl, I'm trying to understand what beauty is. The first time I seriously thought about this when I was 12.

This happened in literature class. I looked at the scribbled notebook page of my school desk neighbor. Among the painted flowers adorned the inscription: "I am beautiful. I am the most beautiful". Small and capital letters. 20 times or more. And then I realized that I never said such words to myself. But my neighbor has filled her entire notebook with these phrases.

I analyzed her personal life and the confidence in her beauty and saw a connection. She was a very popular girl in our school. Many cool guys fought for her heart. I also really wanted to have fans, and I realized that my weak point is the lack of confidence in my own beauty. In other words, I had to decide - I am beautiful or not.

Following the example of my neighbor, I began to fill my notebook with these phrases. But belief in my beauty has not increased.

When I was 19, I met my future husband. In one of our first conversations he asked me: "I wonder if beautiful girls know that they are beautiful?" I started mentally going through all my acquaintances, whom I considered beautiful and they were firmly convinced of this. If I asked one of them: "Are you beautiful?", she would have replied without hesitation: "Yes, of course I'm beautiful!" But when I asked this myself - I hesitated.

Reflecting on the question that was asked me, I felt beautiful. I felt like an unknown picture which was finally appreciated by the audience. But full acceptance of myself and my appearance happened to me only after I had the baby.

If you are still unsure - you are beautiful or not, only your faith determines what you are. I've noticed that many people do not have the perfect appearance, but from them comes the confidence in their beauty. And they look beautiful.

I wish you strong faith in your beauty!
With love, NatiChi.

PS - If you enjoyed this post, feel free to follow my art-blog!


This happened in literature class. I looked at the scribbled notebook page of my school desk neighbor. Among the painted flowers adorned the inscription: "I am beautiful. I am the most beautiful". Small and capital letters. 20 times or more. And then I realized that I never said such words to myself. But my neighbor has filled her entire notebook with these phrases.

I analyzed her personal life and the confidence in her beauty and saw a connection. She was a very popular girl in our school. Many cool guys fought for her heart. I also really wanted to have fans, and I realized that my weak point is the lack of confidence in my own beauty. In other words, I had to decide - I am beautiful or not.

The girl sounds like she was dealing with serious self-doubt. You don't write "I am beautiful, I am the most beautiful" twenty times in large and small text because you're confident. When you are confident about something, the fact becomes something you take entirely for granted. Now that doesn't mean that the people dealing with self doubt do not have the qualities they fear they lack, it sounds like this girl was in fact very attractive from the way you describe her, but I find it really strange that you take a sign of self-doubt and read it as a sign of confidence.

Yes, you're right. Now I can understand what you said. And I'm glad to see people here that are so deep. I agree with you, when a man believes in his beauty, he won't write everywhere how good he is.

Yes I think you got it right. She is probably righting it down as an exercise to convince herself that it was true.

I am not beautiful!! I am effin fabulous!!! Great post :)

Yes you are.

Yes, you are, @royaltiffany! ;) Thanks for commenting!

upvote not for me specifically (or at all?), but yes people are beautiful

Thank you, @treeleaves! In this world a lot of beauty!

Only to the people that matter. Rest I don't give a about.

In my opinion everybody is beautiful that much, how he live his life..

Wise thought. Thank you for your comment, @viktor.phuket!

Cliche': Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

We are primarily visual creatures and our minds were and are conditioned to see things according to what the world believes to be beautiful. Symmetry contributes greatly to how we perceive things as beautiful. So are patterns. Any imbalance constitute imperfection, ugliness. Any diversion from patterns may be considered distortion.

Beauty is emanated from the VALUE of things we see, feel, hear, smell, or think. Beauty progresses or regresses by the VALUE it provides and how that value APPEALS to the onlooker.

Thus the cliche'.

Did I understand correctly your idea? You're talking about internal and external beauty. Right?

I am talking about external beauty that is and should be influenced by how beautiful we are inside. External beauty fades when we are ugly inside. Physical beauty only lasts for a time until it does not matter anymore or when it loses its VALUE. Beauty is nothing without VALUE. And when I talk about VALUE, I refer to the importance or significance of a thing to me.

A flower can be very beautiful to you because it appeals to your senses. But maybe not to me because I don't feel or see its value. It is not appealing to me. Therefore its beauty is not evident to me. On the other hand, you would not say a mycorrhizal fungi is beautiful because you are not familiar with it and it looks strange. But to me, it's beautiful.

@omfedor is right - You are so beautiful, Natichi :)

Beautiful girls are not what men are looking for anyway.

And what men are looking for on yours?

Every guy is looking for something different. I'm looking for a girl that share my interests and who would like to follow me in my adventures. She being beautiful is optional. But of course i don't want an ugly one or fat one neither. Normal looking girl is good enough.

I wish you, that you met the one, a beautiful girl who will follow you in spite of everything! )))

External beauty comes from within, mind and body influence each other.

Not to take away from the value of your point, but something I've been thinking more about lately is that these appeals typically aren't extended to men, for whatever reason. Young girls are encouraged to imagine themselves as Princesses, but boys don't really romanticize themselves as much. Would love to get your thoughts - great article