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RE: Political Ideology and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

in #psychology7 years ago

You cannot have the top of the pyramid until you build the bottom.

Me thinkst the Dems are in la-la land.

It also helps if everyone builds the base. Nothing works well when one group does all the groundwork and someone else joins at the last minute to enjoy the fruits of the labor. Like letting immigrants start at belonging and love and us US Citizens are below working on eating and assuring there is enough for everyone


Certainly the liberal democrats are in la-la land but I'm trying to understand the more moderate democrats.

Oh, the ones who are wishy-washy and actually have no clue what their job is? Which, I thought was fairly simple....listen to those you represent and do the best to assure you protect them, their rights and future.

Not wait till you see who is yelling loudest, out on the farthest limb or what is most politically correct.