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RE: Children Who Wear Makeup And Crossdress

in #psychology8 years ago

Great post. Ever since the Podesta emails came out I have become more aware of how much pedophilia we have in our culture. I am not a student of history so the comparison to the decline of Greece was interesting.

That video made me uncomfortable. I mean the boy seems to be very comfortable in his own skin which is a positive. He sort of has a Ziggy Stardust air about him, but he is too young to be doing this. If he is in full drag and this edgy at 10 where is he going to be at 18 or 21?? The part of the video where the boy's dad is looking down at his son. It looks like there is a mixed emotion there. I kept trying to think how I would feel as this boys dad. I mean the kid is owning his shit and shows a strong self of self...but geez he's only 10 and in full makeup! I dont know, it made me uncomfortable.

Thanks for the post. Sorry some of the trolls attacked you for it.