This is so raw real honest and poweful. Thanks @riverflows for tagging me and sharing the #ihaveanxietytoo tag and other @naturalmedicine happenings.
This is so powerful! I especially resonate with this:
Most people measure success on financial and material terms and most people have seen me as failing recently. However what they have no idea of, is that whilst in their terms I was successful with a good job and financial stability, that I was failing on the inside, spiritually & mentally, that, to me is failing at life.
So so true! The core elements that anxiety depression etc bring up strip things away and carry messages. Thank you so much for writing this post! May we all know our worth 💙 thanks for furthering the destigmatization of anxiety and sharing so truthfully about your journey!
Thank you for your feedback, it took all evening to put this blog together and hearing that it's struck a chord with people makes it all worth it. I will check out naturalmedicine and use the hashtag in future writings :), i've edited the tag into this blog too and mentioned it in the blog, hopefully will draw some attention! x