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RE: Psychology Addict # 34 | Demons, Possession & Exorcism

in #psychology7 years ago

Dear friend, you write on interesting topics. What is fascinating to me is often it is those that come from families of good Christian homes that frequently have the most problems separating good from evil. Recently I heard something which now eludes me, regarding a filming of an excorsism. In my recollections it was to be done by perhaps the same man that filmed the original “Exorcist” he alone is with the priests as they make another attempt to rid this poor soul of his demons. In his interview he admits his fear, but feels this is an important message that must be unmasked.
Having known a couple of people that were victims of ritual abuse through cults , I can only say life did not bode well for them.
I will try to find out about that docudrama that is soon to be released and let you know if About it.
Ending this appropriately with much Love and appreciation for the work you do. ❤️🐓🐓


Hello my dearest @mother2chicks :)

I am already looking forward to exploring this material (the documentary)! Thank you for thinking of me :)

I have met in the past and currently know many religious, Christian people who are very emotionally stable. They tend to be the ones who focus more on the positive aspect of their religion: forgiveness, compassion, the teachings of Christ etc... they also report what I would categorize as hallucinations; e.g. they claim to heave seen or heard a particular saint or Jesus. And this elates them! But, unfortunately, there are those like Rita's housemate, whose focus is mainly directed on the negative side of their beliefs: punishments, the devil, transgression etc... from my perspective, it does not seem to make them any favours :/

Have a wonderful Friday. I send you lots of love here from sunny Portugal ❤️ :)

@abilail-Dante’s here is the link to the story about the docudrama of an excorsism. Hope it helps you with your work.🐓🐓

Thank you 😍

If you see this documentary will you let me know what you think of it? Most likely I won’t get the chance. Your friend. ❤️🐓🐓

ok :) I will let you know!