in #psychology7 years ago


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

                  William Shakespeare, Hamlet

A few decades ago I swallowed the Red Pill and also jumped down the rabbit hole at the same time. I could never have dreamt what things I would learn as a result. I learned, for example, that we humans, and all things around us, are actually energy. I also learned a great deal about beliefs...what, how and why we believe what we do.

In the beginning I almost gagged on the Red Pill, and wished I had tied a rope to myself so that I could climb back out of the rabbit hole. It would have been so much easier to remain blithely ignorant. But it was too late. I would learn from Tesla, Einstein, Plank, Grof, Watts, Yogananda, the Buddha, Jung, Lao Tzu and even Rumi along with many others, that what I had thought was physical reality was just an illusion and that much of what I had believed was false. Talk about cognitive dissonance!

But assimilating knowledge from these exceptional humans was not enough. In my search for understanding I found myself on weeks long vision quests out in the desert. I climbed remote mountains, and upon those peaks danced and drummed beneath a canopy of galaxies and stars. I read and wrote poetry, journaled many hundreds of pages of thought and in the end carefully used psychedelics to heighten my consciousness.

I'd like to share what I found. However, I'll do it one concept at a time, recognizing that Steemit is a place of speed reading, scanning and most often, no reading at all but rather letting the auto voting bot suffice. (In fact to emphasize this point I will transfer 1 SBD to anyones account that mentions the word "moo-cow" in comments below. Really. I will.) Though it is disappointing to have only a handful of people actually read a post, it is good to write anyway because it makes me organize things and attempt to make them understandable. Ready? Here we go!



This is not me, but a cool pic I think. From pixabay. It creates the illusion that this man is levitating. I think what is more likely is that there is a trampoline we cannot see. But it prompts us to look beyond the illusion.

When humans gather together for a sports event, for a church meeting, for a network marketing meeting, or a concert, or symposium, or a political rally or to hang out with friends at the pub and a hundred other kinds of gatherings we create a group synergy, and energy that infuses us and energizes us. We create and share an unseen energy that is quite real. We've all experienced this phenomenon. We'll call it collective group consciousness.

This collective consciousness can be experienced in small groups such as a bunch of parents watching their kids play soccer (football for everyone outside the US), or it can be an entire nation that melds together in a moment of collective consciousness: recall the shared horror of 9/11 and our collective madness as we dashed off to war in Iraq. (That's not a madness all of us participated in. We saw it for what it was. A calculated manipulation to create a Global War on Terrorism. And now 2.5 trillion dollars later we are still out there killing and destroying... all begun with the false flag of 9/11.) But anyway, that my friends is an example of collective energy infusing people.


Right now as you read this trillions of bits of data are streaming through your body in the form of radio waves on it's way to your computer or cell phone, or television. We can't see this energy but we know it there. We humans create a similar energy. Yes, we do. This energy transmits emotions and data. Now here is the tricky part, but if you'll take a moment to contemplate you'll see it's validity. This energetic data can be imprinted and stored and accessed. If you don't believe me, well then, believe Nikola Tesla:

"My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists."

Here is the point. Much of what we believe comes to us not from within our own minds, but from outside of us, from a collective bank of energy. This is where it gets really fascinating: Everything has a stored bank of etheric energy. Your sports team, your political party, religion, state, school, company you work for, Steemit, EOS, books, or community. We all subconsciously tap into these energy banks and connect to them. But because we are unconsciously doing this we think that the energy we are tapping into comes from within. These energy banks are very real and are reservoirs of BELIEF. The information in these banks may not be the truth though. But the power and information in these banks is transmitted to individuals giving them the illusion of truth!

Right about now your cognitive dissonance should be maxing out. Go back to my blog on beliefs from a week ago and carefully read it. This will tell you why the alarms are blaring in your mind.

Well, thanks for reading. I encourage you to contemplate about this. If you do you will discover a whole new realm of awareness and consciousness. Many blessings.





I understand what you are saying here and I can see the manipulations from the outside world.
I believe I need to sit with this for a bit and I believe I will come back to read this again after.
I just want to say 'moo-cow' only because I want to show that I have read it. And I really do need to ponder on this more. But please, no need to send me anything. If anything even, perhaps, talk about this a bit more.

Well thanks! Yes, this will be a common topic of discussion. Many blessings. I would love to give you the 1 SBD, but if you would rather it go to someone else I can do that. Any ideas? Blessings.

It is yours to do what you will with it. I hope all is well with you and that you have a great journey ahead :)

Thank you. For the "Pay it Forward" gift. It will be put to good use.

Thank you also for the gift, It will like the last one be used to help a group.

Cool. I figured as much. Many blessings.

Are you on a cow run @mistermercury? I see you have cow stuck in your mind : )

Just a few weeks ago I told my family about the origin of a thought. If it is a pure thought. One not influenced by TV, newspapers or radio where do you think it comes from. It is indeed a very interesting topic. The pity lies in the fact that we allow our thoughts to be steered by a cartel.

Such a simple question, but one of the most difficult of all to answer for it speaks to the mystery of consciousness itself. So just a couple of teasers for right now, but a good subject for another post.

Buddhist meditation masters can rise in consciousness to a point of pure awareness or consciousness where there is no thought, just pure awareness. They become the "Observer".

Another teaser: Through mindfulness training one can become aware of the most subtle of energies. One can dissect a moment of consciousness into many micro sections.

Everything is energy. Everything. On a certain level of consciousness one can navigate the Oneness of All, and in so doing discover and experience this phenomenon. However, I can create a thought, an awareness of this moment right now too.

So I guess what I'm saying is that there are multiple sources of thought: the immediate moment that I create, and then the other great Source that can be divisible into as many fractals as you'd like is Source, the living Cosmos, God, whatever you feel comfortable calling it but it is ALL ONE thing. ONE source of pure energy and pure knowledge.

Oh, my ... I know some of the Masters can bask in that pure energy all day, and that experiencing it is vastly different that writing about it. I have had the blessing of being able to taste that great Oneness. it's odd, even right at this moment, know that is there, while at the same time I plod along in this slow-time moment typing away in my tiny, tiny, tiny little bit of consciousness which is part of the Whole. Oh, well, I probably lost you there, or you may be far ahead on the path waving me forward. But it is all One path.


Wow. Thanks for sharing that experience. It seems although I have picked up a lot whilst doing research I have only scratched the surface.

Thank you for the post and comment @mistermercury. Every time we talk I take away something new.

Everything is energy. I watched a movie it is called Avitar. It displays the energy of all things very well. Even though we cannot see the connections and the energy like in the movie we are all connected like that. We are so connected to a energy that is greater than us. We can also tap into it and feel good feelings or not so good feelings. This energy can give us so much. I believe that our beliefs dictate what we get out of the energy field. Changing our belief structures helps us move out of a more negative state and into a more loving state.

Wonderful read. moo- cow. Haha that was cute.

Glad you enjoyed the post. On this mortal level of consciousness comprehending that there is far, far more to be aware of and to be conscious of is not a general belief, but nevertheless it is so. We are like kindergarteners in the sand box thinking all there is is the our little world of slow-time experience. There is SO much more. And of course, Love is the answer. Blessing. Oh and the milk man delivereth.

Sitting down for a coffee and a conversation with you would be wonderful. Not too many people talk like this. I really enjoy it. I do have to say there are more people waking up and it is wonderful.

We are like kindergarterners we know so much but really in the grand scheme of it all we really know very little. There is so much out there but we need the right vibration to be able to access it. Having a loving vibration really changes the way we see the world and allows us to go through this experience with so much more ease.

Thank you for the milk. I sure hope you enjoyed your retreat.

Yes, indeed it would be great to sit down and visit. Too bad you guys are so far away, I'd come up and visit.

Indeed, our minds are just now opening up to an elaborate, complex, and wondrous Cosmos, that is interactive! How fascinating. Many blessings.

That is an interesting post and one that I have seen in sporting events, concerts and even religious events.

The audience have a collective energy that the person can feed on like a vampire.

Cheering for your favorite team or athlete has been shown to react to this energy.

I like how you had written this.

Indeed. There are two phenomenon here: one is the collective energy experience, mistaken in my opinion by the religionists as "spirit", and the other is an actual bank of information pertaining to the team, religion, corporation, country, family, etc. Blessings.

The interweaves of life, energy and our bodies. Definitely a huge expanse to be explored. Had not heard of energy banks before. Thank you for introducing them to me and "moo-cow".
Please give the 1SBD to @whenhowwho he has better use for it than I. :)

I sure will. Thanks for the comment and the milk man will be delivering soon.

This is an interesting experiment. Couching a keyword in the post to see if anyone actually reads it and then comments with it. I'm not going to do it, but then I read everything I upvote or comment on. So, is the experiment whether people actually read before voting, or is it to see if they will actually write the keyword as directed. Or both, perhaps?

As for the main content of the post, I'm not sure if I'm in cognitive dissonance as much as I'm in "energy banks, well, okay." I don't have an issue with energy banks. There's definitely something which is animating us and energizing us and causing us to seek more of it. You suggest though that the energy and truth might not necessarily be one, which I guess means it's possible we're tapping into ambivalent energy, or energy that purely exists. But you also said it in such a way that leads me to believe these energy sources could also contain truth.

The origins of all of this thought for me began when I left a religious sect about 25 years ago. I found that other religions thought their particular flavor of worship was the truth and that the "spirit" was testifying to them of this truth. So I asked myself: How can this be? How can the "spirit" be telling everyone their flavor is the truth? Obviously people are having an "experience", but either the Spirit is fucking with us or something else is going on. So energy banks are like, in it's very simplest comparison, a post on Steemit. We can tap into a post but the post does not necessarily tell the truth.

As far as the moo-cow test, so far everyone is doing good. I'm pleased. If you don't mind I'm going to pass your 1 SBD on to someone else. Do you have someone who would like it?

I'm sure most people I know would like it. I really don't know who in particular to send it to. If you have someone you want to give it to without mentioning me, that's totally up to you. You're pretty generous for doing this, I must say.

As for the Spirit telling everyone that there religion or faith is true, that would seem to go against the whole reason for the Spirit, witnessing of many truths instead of one, so I'd agree, people are experiencing something. Just what is the question.

In my experience, I haven't heard that be the case. Rather, it's been the opposite. People claiming there are more than one way to get to heaven, or God, or the hereafter. The eternal reward. So, I guess there's even flavors of that, too. :)

I agree. It is rather complex. The milk man hath delivered to another deserving soul. Thanks.

' of etheric energy/reservoirs of beliefs' - I had not thought about the collective consciousness as an 'energy bank' in quite these ways before. Though I'm familiar with most of the concepts and ideas you write about (this and most other posts), I could not expand on or articulate or illustrate them the way you do - at all. I gain so much from your way of explaining and sharing. Since I've decided I don't feel called to 'make a go of it' here on Steemit myself (making much effort to build an audience, get upvotes/work the system, even find my way into a community (or several) here or on discord (etc) (simply because it just all seems TOO MUCH, at least with my current priorities) - I just come here randomly to hang out & mostly, to read you, Mister Mercury (and another woman who's name I'm forgetting but she write about Buddhism and trauma/healing - just went & looked her up - @soulsistashakti :) ))... just such great content! So I can say that because I'm not trying to get any upvote or even my "moo cow" credit from you - it's not flattery, just earnestness :) In fact, I either invite others to suggest to Mister Mercury who/where to credit my 1 SBD (I honestly don't even know what that is exactly - ha! did I mention I'm not doing this Steemit thing for now?) - and/or MM can ultimately decide where it goes. My small bit of generosity for today (credit to @girthbomb for the lovely idea) :) Thanks again for keeping on, though, on here... you really are sharing so much value and it's appreciated (and I'm sure not just by me!) Om shanti <3

Well, since I was a Catholic Abbot in another life time (really), may I say, "Bless you my daughter!" Such a supportive comment! I'll redirect your 1SBD to a worthy soul. Thanks again. Oh, and I completely understand the disengagement to Steemit. I don't know if there is a day that goes by but that I question my investment here. But, for me, I quickly remind myself that as whacky as this place is it is a boon ... for me.

Oh who knows, I've vacillated so much about it I may come back at some point! Ha! And didn't I read in this or another post that you were Mormon? And now you say also a Catholic Abbot (presumedly in 'another' but still THIS lifetime)?? See - fascinating stuff! And you seem to love to write and share - me, writing is a chore I do almost all day anyway for my biz so... I just can't get up the enthusiasm to work at this. ANYway, just know you were my first encourager/supporter so sorry I let that ball tossed to me drop - but it was/you are still appreciated!

I appreciate that, and thanks. Your memory is almost correct. I was LDS, but bailed out 25 years ago. I am grateful for the time I spent with them (30 years) but glad to see them in the rearview mirror. The Catholic thing. Quite a fascinating story. They say people meet up again and again in different life times. I can attest to that. Maybe I'll write about it one of these days. Blessings.

Okay, I am game for a "moo-cow"! I think I am falling down that rabbit hole of cognitive dissonance! I really need to cogitate on this for a bit...too much has been boggling my mind these days. When my data banks recharge I will get back to you...

I understand. Thanks for reading and the milk man delivers soon. Blessings.

It's a fascinating read and I'm still trying to get my head around it but I might try again after morning coffee. Or maybe I should try after some psychadelics :)

It sounds like your moo-cow experiment might turn out to be more expensive than you realised. I am sure thee are a lot more people who read and appreciate your writing than you think. If you haven't blown the budget yet, send to @farms

Yeah, it has gone well, but if it goes any better I'll be one of the first to hope no one else reads it!! Many blessings and the milk man delivereth soon.

Thanks, I have paid that forward to @farms

Keep up the good work :)

Cool! Many blessings.

"moo-cow", oh I'll be back for a real comment later, need to head out.

Look forward to your future comment. The milk man is on his way. Blessings.

I think you are definitely on to something because I believe about the same as you on this subject. :) I can understand the frustration from not getting any real comments. It's a struggle that I have as well. :) I would never stop you from having an opportunity to share with others so moo-cow. Haha, a very clever idea. Though I would accept you simply looking over my posts and seeing if anything interests you instead of that sbd. :)

Well, @littlejoeward, I accept the invitation. I may get to it tonight, or for sure in the morning. Many blessings.

I agree with you @mistermercury. Whether we call it an energy bank or spiritual realm or what ever term you want, much of our inspirational thoughts come from there and not our 'brain'. I'm actually going to be doing a talk on this exact topic this weekend. How interesting is that! Spirit moving through people all over the world with the exact same message. As for your Easter egg, please remember that cows are the ones that go moo not "moo-cow". That one sentence sounds more like an idea that came from your physical brain rather than your spiritual one! lol Don't both with the SBD either. If you send it to me I will just send it right back, so please save us both some effort.

Love you work. You are doing fantastic my dear brother!

Right on @mistermercury! I think in more tribal terms we call these things spirits - large scale energetic entities. More and more I see that it's a matter of staying hip to what is that nature of the energy banks we plug into and feed. On one level, that is the whole game! And most of us don't even touch on the most pure / powerful ones. The naysayers and the dooms-dayers plugged into such predictable suffering entities, what about the 'gods/energy bank' who have powers we can't even believe or accept? Do we need to allow things to be possible before we can even access that energy bank?

Oh and 'moo-cow' :P

Yes! One thing I had overlooked but was brought to my attention by @vieira in a post that is almost literature in it's depth and composition: Wow that's one huge "link". Anyway Perhaps there is a universal, world-wide, species-wide energy bank on materialism and on an apocalyptic event coming our way soon. I wonder if this dread of the apocalypse is to be found in other cultures or just in the West?

Thanks for the comment and the milk man will be delivering soon.

Many gratitudes. As always I don't really know, but I am willing to put my words out there if I feel that I am coming from the right place. Bless

Oh, and another turned down his milk delivery so I thought you could use 2. Keep up your good work. I'll keep an eye out for your posts. Want to bring you to the attention of a couple of projects that support newbies. Blessings.

moo - cow, and a fantastic read also. though keep the sbd, superb post, and I would like to share my spiritual (lsd) and other experience posts soon.

Look forward to those posts. And if you don't mind I will choose another who I can give the milk delivery to. Blessings.

Okay, back from the milk run, read the previous post mentioned also, about tribes, and cow paths, and change. In this post:

But the power and information in these banks is transmitted to individuals giving them the illusion of truth!

It is when we see through the illusion of the truth that out tribe is trying to foist off on us that we become cognizant of the fact that we might need to make a "change". Yes it is a hard thing to do, and perhaps that is where the phrase "The truth is hard to handle" comes from. We we are confronted with the truth, we either run and hide, bury our heads, or look it in the eyes and deal with it, we grow or we don't, we choose what we want to do with that truth and the power that comes with it.

Thank you for your kind gift, it was sorely needed, I would love to level it up, but I did make a commitment of that amount just yesterday, so I would have to say, thank you for adding to my karma bank by allowing me to meet that obligation.