Well, since I was a Catholic Abbot in another life time (really), may I say, "Bless you my daughter!" Such a supportive comment! I'll redirect your 1SBD to a worthy soul. Thanks again. Oh, and I completely understand the disengagement to Steemit. I don't know if there is a day that goes by but that I question my investment here. But, for me, I quickly remind myself that as whacky as this place is it is a boon ... for me.
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Oh who knows, I've vacillated so much about it I may come back at some point! Ha! And didn't I read in this or another post that you were Mormon? And now you say also a Catholic Abbot (presumedly in 'another' but still THIS lifetime)?? See - fascinating stuff! And you seem to love to write and share - me, writing is a chore I do almost all day anyway for my biz so... I just can't get up the enthusiasm to work at this. ANYway, just know you were my first encourager/supporter so sorry I let that ball tossed to me drop - but it was/you are still appreciated!
I appreciate that, and thanks. Your memory is almost correct. I was LDS, but bailed out 25 years ago. I am grateful for the time I spent with them (30 years) but glad to see them in the rearview mirror. The Catholic thing. Quite a fascinating story. They say people meet up again and again in different life times. I can attest to that. Maybe I'll write about it one of these days. Blessings.