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RE: Psychology Addict # 30 | What Makes a Boy a Boy & a Girl a Girl?

in #psychology7 years ago

Indeed, when the family gathers it is quite an experience. At first when my former "dearly beloved" announced her new relationship and path it was a struggle, but God bless them, our children stormed the walls of ignorance with love. Perhaps, I had something to do with that. At the time all I could do was offer my blessings. May I suggest a real treasure of a book by Jack Kornfield, a noted Buddhist and psychologist: The Wise Heart, a Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology.

When I first discovered astrology for myself it was a revelation. It explained so many things in my life that were inexplicable in their nature. I was, of course, thrilled to discover C. Jung and Stanislav Grof both used astrology in their practices!

As far as Buddhism goes, I invite you to keep in touch (follow if I may be so bold) because I will be posting some insights into what it is ... not in an attempt to convert but simply to enlighten those that wish to know.

Thank you for responding to my comments. I do value them and appreciate it very much. May you bring light and love into our community.