How to awaken yourself from a hypnotic state: It's really simple (THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL POSTING I HAVE CONTRIBUTED!)

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Think of hypnosis as a subconscious process; in other words a habit of thinking feeling, and responding.

By our very nature, we are creatures of habit. Not simply actions, and behavior, but also what we think, and feel, and how we interact, and react. We often react out of habit rather than original thought. Good habits are great, but many are not likely good habits.

It is really easy to program large numbers of individuals. Provide and introduce the information, and points of view you want them to think about or ignore, and the programming begins.

We are purposely left in a state of fear. and division. and a black and white view of the world, and ourselves. Black and white thinking results in an either/or, this/that, right/wrong paradigm. These limit choices, create division, and make a populous that is easy to predict, and ultimately manage.

  1. First of all, you need to BE AWARE that much of what you believe came from outside influences. Media such as movies, sit-coms or 'reality tv', news anything that is packaged for our viewing, listening or entertainment. Institutions such as schools, religion; any organization outside of us can influence us.

  2. ADMIT that all of the above, and other outside influences have shaped our beliefs, values, and ways of viewing the world, ourselves and others. It's inevitable at times we are their captive audience fed information, and points of view they want you to consider in creating your world view.

  3. Realizing, and admitting that much of what we experience cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally has been 'installed' in us is bound to create some resistance. That is a normal part of the deprograming/reprogramming yourself. Taking responsibility for your own programming may feel uncomfortable at first, because you are out step with many individuals in the herd. Stick with it; don't rely on their approval or support. We at subtle and not so subtle levels are programmed to be uncomfortable with those different than us.

  4. Read or re-read "The Emperors New Clothes" if you get it great. The message is still timely. The child is the unlikely hero.

  5. Choose some simple beliefs or reactions to alter or interrupt. Find something simple, and easy. Changing any of our views creates a ripple effect that influences others; good luck and great success.


Thanks for this insight!

So simple most overlook the reality of a contrived world!

Actually, when I studied NLP I learned that the brain is always in hypnosis. That is how we learn. But we can learn to change the state we are in. Sometimes it is just a matter of noticing what state we are in and choosing something different.