Mini Motivation #12 - Good luck avoiding failure

in #psychology7 years ago

Sometimes we go hard-core into planning mode - mapping out all paths, highlighting all potential potholes, detailing plan B to F.

The truth is, as hard as you try, you can still fail. Your preparation just reduces the chances, usually by a lot, but the possibility of failure is still there. Never 100% fool-proof.

However, I've seen many people spend so much time preparing that they didn't take action in the end. Either it was the preparation itself scared the shit out of them - that's analysis paralysis - or the preparation itself was just a procrastination. They never meant to make the decision, but preparation made them feel it's ok; made them feel that they have tried.

But that's not you, right?

If indeed you want to make a decision on something and preparation is involved,

Set a time limit to it.

Regardless if you have enough preparation and data to make the decision, just decide on it anyway. No way can you ever get 100% of the information before a commitment is made; heck even the best strategist stops at 51% and just takes action.

As the famous Nike saying goes, and reaffirms by Shia LaBeouf's 30+ Million-View Youtube Hit…

Mini Motivation is my own daily strategy to inspire myself. Mostly 3 minute reads.

From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history.

Hope it helps nudge you a bit too in the right direction.

Oh it did? Let me know in the comments, and of course an upvote would be a nice motivation for me. :)

Stay awesome!

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I love that - Mini Motivation, Mighty Momentum. So very copywriter of you.

It is true in our everyday life that we prep a gazillion times trying to minimise the possibility of failure but there will always be something out of our control. Leave the house early to get to work early - then BAM! Massive traffic jam right in front of your doorstep.

Yes I was late to work today.... >_<

Haha. What a coincidence, eh? But jam is bad today. Rain didn't help.

I agree with the mini motivation theory!! I do that too hehe thanks for the sharing!

We all need a nudge once a while.

Good planning and hard work, as well as the good preparation, are the guarantors of success with the secrets to success but for me the psychological conditions control our success Confidence is an important factor Thanks for the wonderful publication

I once heard bestselling author T- Harv Ekar saying, "Ready, shoot, aim." Essentially, it's better to prepare little, test it out, and then feedback to improve.

Mav's mini motivation post always bring some space of thought and re-thought. It is always the enforcement and action to minimize the failure, but not zero failure.

Haha, great video to get started for my day

Exactly!!! Failure or test in life is really unavoidable. In the Quran, it's already stated that 'you'll always be tested in the form of loss of wealth, or loved ones, hunger .....'

So the key for me is to never give up!

Tq for sharing @maverickfoo .

Just like I did here at Steemit... you have to just jump in sooner or later and put the fear behind you :) Nice insight @maverickfoo

Hi @maverickfoo,
I can relate that to myself.
I didn't post anything for more than 24hour. I had promised to myself at the beginning of the steemit journey, I need to make at least 1 post in a day.

Right now, I just want binge-comments and replies. Hehehe.
I may have some ideas on what to write later on.

Thank you for the motivation, which by far a mini.

The one who doesn’t fail- doesn’t try at all! It’s ok to fail, we all should understand this. It’s impossible to win all the time!

Sometimes our plans didn't work because the universe has something else planned ahead of us. The more you fail, the more you will learn...

It makes sense when you said plan it out and it is just a procrastination. I never thought of it, now I recalled back really some of the side projects like die at planning phase and never push to execution phase. Thank you for the post!