Woow, what good to know about you dear Abigail, I hope you find yourself well, and that the things that are happening and do not allow you to publish as you used to do, are good ...
Seriously these types of dementia can be prevented?
Look, it's something I really do not know about completely. And even without knowing it I always took great care of myself, I remember that before things got difficult I took great care of my diet, and I took medication for the vitality and health of my body, vitamin B12, she always accompanied me ..
Of the things that you mention, right now I do not consume sugary products although sometimes the temptation and the cravings are strong.
And moving the body, jaaa, that's the most I know how to do, I'm always adjusting my surroundings (my home) my children always tell me: "why do not you take a seat for a quiet second" I'm always here and there.
I am so pleased to hear about your eating habits and your daily routine @luisateresa :) But, don't forget about mindfulness. It is important to stop from time to time just to breathe, get in touch with our thoughts and emotions. This is something I also need to work on!!
Thank you for commenting my dear.
All the best to you :)