Very interesting post. And it didn't hurt my brain (too much).
So essentially we have to find ways to stop the decay. - The ageing process.
Are there any drugs available nowadays, to reduce degeneration of the brain?
A totally unscientific observation ( I was 47 ish), but after I quit my carbs in my diet (sugars), my mental acuity increased noticeably.
Especially concentration.
When I 'fall off the wagon' (ie my carb intake increases dramatically ), I am aware that after 7 days or so of increased carb diet, my concetration ability reduces.
From Einstein to a flighty teenage girl in 7 days!
(obviously both extremes are not literal, but you get my point)
I don't know enough about food nutrition, but I do know some, and the more i understand (especially with new science online), it seems to me we have taken the whole 'illness' spectrum of treatments from the top down.
We start with fixing symptoms, when good balanced nutrition from day one, would potentially stave of so many later in life problems..
And when you think about it, it really is common sense.
We are - precisely - what we eat.
How can you expect an optimal outcome, when we build the foundation of our bodies on 'nutritional sand', and then spend years building it up with more sand? to speak
With the vast change in dietary habits in the last 60 years, and the onset of things like dementia and Alzheimer's, it adds wight to the argument about it all starting with good healthy nutrition...
Great to have you back posting!
Hello @lucylin :)
How have you been? I hope you and Lucy's son's motorbike are both fine! :)
Before I say anything I just would like to say that my husband and I laughed a LOT at this :
It looks like we adopt the same diet approach and views! And it breaks my heart seeing so many people - women in particular - with low energy levels, on a constant battle against the scales and low immunity, purely as a consequence of bad eating habits! But, we have been fed with the wrong information for too long and changing people's habits is a very slow process, if not impossible.
As far as I know, there aren't drugs out there to prevent brain degeneration. However, there supplements out there, which are excellent for overall brain health. Even more so, when they are part of a low-carb diet:
Vitamin D
Alpha-lipoic Acid
So ... you said this post has inspired you to start an exercise routine once again. How is that going?
ps: Glad to see you are keeping the Irland trip series going! :D
Take care & bye for now!
I never quite realized the extent to which we have been 'dietarliy' conned by vested interests, until a few years ago.
(when I learned of the rockefeller oil empire deciding the educational ethos in western medical universities, and then their establishment of big pharma- you could have knocked me down with a feather!)
Son and bike are fine, thanks!
The only concision supplement I take is seaweed - iodine. It's cheap and plentiful in these parts.
Indeed I was inspired. It is not going at all at the moment, due to a slight crisis.(I don't think you can have a 'slight' crisis, can you?- it's a crisis or it's not, I suppose).
Anyway, my steady income of 15 years,(small, but enough to live) - has just been cut! - just like that without any warning!
Government regulations and banking have made my business model defunct, after 15 years of income.
So my exercise regime has took a back seat- until I work out a way to get around my problem.
If I don't fix the problem- I will need all this fat, to keep me from starving! lol