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RE: Is Modern Society Obsessed With Short Term Pleasure?

in #psychology7 years ago

People have always been obsessed with short term pleasure. They also enjoy long term pleasure, but Americans are different than most people in the world. We get most of our pleasure vicariously, scrolling through to see what other people have gotten off their tails to actually make, build, or do.


Yes but I think the modern world and not just America seems to promote it more.

I'm studying Persia, history, language, philosophy, modern. It's just the U.S. and Western Europe really. It's hard to get a larger view of the world. I love art, culture, history. If I were rich, I would travel everywhere to see it all.

I think in the West we tend to live in a sort of bubble where we don't really think about the rest of the world. It is a big problem.