It’s perhaps only dangerous not to take psychedelics if you are already experiencing these symptoms. Having not taken psychedelics myself, I can’t say this for sure. But personally I don’t have the symptoms you list. It is, however, possible that I cause the symptoms indirectly by, for example, accepting as a Christmas gift, a woollen scarf.
Your eating meat link is fully logical and I’m not sure how that could be effectively argued against. I recently watched an episode of Barney, a purple dinosaur who took children to a farm. Importantly, it was an arable farm. Imagine the narrative tangle they would have got into if it carried livestock!
‘Careers’ is surely a little sweeping. How about a career as an occupational therapist or nurse?
Thanks for the feedback @lenskonig
Your acceptance of a woollen scarf is not an ecological faux-pas on par with fracking, so let's not dwell on that.
As for not taking psychedelics, I still feel that is a dangerous choice since they are essentially a mirror for the brain, and it's worth taking a look in the mirror once in a while (in a safe, supported setting). Even if it's just a bit of jam on your chin needs wiping off (metaphorically).
Interesting to hear about what Barney is up to these days. Barney is vegan.
Re: Careers — You're right, it is perhaps too sweeping, but I hoped to capture the flavour of a certain kind of work; work where the objective is not to really produce anything of value to the community, but simply to progress through a series of arbitrary job titles until you become regional manager of a fracking company.
Think you replied to the wrong person