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RE: Psychology Addict # 33 | Visits from Lost Loved Ones & Out-of-Body Experiences

in #psychology7 years ago

Very interesting article. I've always been fascinated with supernatural events like these. I haven't experienced any myself (unless you count lucid dreaming which I believe can be similar to OBE's for some individuals). It makes one wonder if consciousness is truly "stuck" within the brain or if it can actually travel beyond our material body. On the others hand it also makes me wonder if we are experiencing these events in our own minds (i.e. our mind simply re-creates our environment and us inside of it). Regardless, of how these events are created, they are nonetheless "real" for the individual who experiences them.

Your brothers experiences with the woman and the rabbit in his bedroom are very interesting. Often, we hear that such visions are common among children compared to adults. Perhaps children have less preconceived notions of the world and reality so they are able to see beyond what our "normal" perceptions - or maybe they just have more detailed and elaborate imaginations?Its interesting to ponder these things.

Great article. I look forward to the additional parts :)


Hey @leaky 😊

I could not agree more with you about this:

Regardless, of how these events are created, they are nonetheless "real" for the individual who experiences them.

In such events, I do think the whole experience is created by our minds - like you suggested:

our mind simply re-creates our environment and us inside of it

Because I believe our consciousness is a result from synaptic activities. If this is true, it wouldn't be able to transcend our physical body. If I may ask, what do you believe in?

I do think this is a fascinating topic too! I remember reading your incredible post on Lucid Dreams, and some of the comments were very sound too :)

I wish you all the best always.

I'm not 100% sure what I believe anymore lol.
I think at this point I also believe that these events are created in the mind. I agree with you that

consciousness is a result from synaptic activities.

However, I am open to the idea that consciousness can (in some cases) connect into a higher or collective consciousness. I'm open to that idea. There is some weird and cool quantum mechanics research that "may" suggest that (i.e. entanglement theory...etc). My understanding of that topic is limited though.

Thank you for the info. I shall look into that! :)