Oh No.......!!! I hate it when animals suffer.......
But when they are our pets ya can feel the pain also.....
Hope Jack feels better soon.,,?!?!?!
Oh No.......!!! I hate it when animals suffer.......
But when they are our pets ya can feel the pain also.....
Hope Jack feels better soon.,,?!?!?!
He'll be fine, he has some pain meds so he won't be sufferin. I know, I hate it when they're hurting! Doc says to give him a week to heal up and if he doesn't he has to have surgery for a torn ligament in his "knee."
Poor Fella. Knees are painful. Mine are goin bad.
I bet animals feel pain like we do. But it must confuse and scare them...?
Yeah that's the bad part, we can't make them understand what's going on and why we need to do something they don't like.
Did you ever order that hyaluronic acid product? Because I've been on that for about 6 months, shoot, I lose track of time, maybe it's been almost a year now. But the improvements in my knees are just amazing.
And they keep getting better all the time. Used to be they were so messed up that if I was on them, doing some kind of work, after just a little while it would hurt like crazy to get up and then I could hardly move or walk.
But now I can work on my knees for 30 minutes at a time with no problem, I'm shocked at how good they are, totally reversed the degradation of them. They other day I was working outside doing a job where I was on my knees for almost 2 hours and almost and hour at a time without getting up and when I got up there was no hesitation and no pain.
I talked to @pooky-jax about it.
We are going to use up the supply of Glucosamine / Chonjoint. We have now B4 trying it. I think I have about a months worth of GC. To expensive to waste.
I crawl under this truck monthly and grease / filter change / repair / etc. So I will notice if it is better than GC.
My neck is the real pain... Haaaaa I know what your thinking....... The old saying, your a pain in the neck. Or is it Ass..??? lol
My neck is torn up from a 30 yr tennis match every day bouncing down the highway on a pogo stick bouncy seat looking from mirror to mirror.
That and landing on my head as a dumb ass Daredevil child.
That is amazing what You say about your knees. So I must try it.
Yeah the knees just keep getting better so it's actually an anti-aging product and that's the way Purity Products talked about it and they have all kinds of clinical trials and studies to confirm their findings. It's taken some months to get to this point though so don't expect instant miracles.
I assume that if you want the best you should go with Purity Products even though Vitacost.com had the exact same formula...but I don't know about the quality of the ingredients with vitacost. I was going to try Purity if vitacost didn't work but it has worked amazingly well obviously.
I never thought about neck injuries in connection with truck driving but I can see that now. Man, you gotta wrap up that career.