As human beings trying to live our life, we all know that it doesn't always end up the way we wanted. In fact, most of the time, it's exactly the other way around. Prior to this are regrets and disappointments which affect our daily living.
Based on experience and statistics, there is a simple life hack that you can use to lessen anxiety, improve in handling stress, boost your confidence and be a winner! The awesome part is it takes only in a blink of an eye.
But first of all, we have to learn some few points.
Confidence vs. Hormones
Many private research institutes say that it can be observed that most successful and powerful leaders share the same mindsets. In fact, they also share similar levels in hormones. Impressive leaders favor to have elevated levels of testosterone with lower cortisol level.
These hormonal levels (high testosterone, low cortisol) lead to strengthened confident feelings, reduced anxiety, and an enhanced stress-dealing ability. In other words, this is the ideal hormonal levels that a person should have.
Yeah... sounds interesting!

But as the environment tests us, this levels arbitrarily change from time to time. But we don't want that to happen here. So, consider this...
Power Posing!
Fortunately, it so happened that body language has impacts on these hormonal levels. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard University researcher, together with her team studied the relationship between those two.
Cuddy and her team have classified different body positions as “high power” or “low power” poses. In general, the high power poses are open and relaxed while the low power poses are closed and guarded.
By improving the physical activity, it is believed that the testosterone level increases while decreasing the latter. With this, a boost in confidence is highly expected.
Now the question is what are these physical cues?

Recently, this observation became a refuted hypothesis but based on my personal experience, doing it 2-3 mins works like charm! It's not bad to try this out anyway. Start winning everything!