10 Little Things Women Love that Men are Not Doing Enough

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Okay, we women love the grand things in life like the diamonds and the Hermes and our Stuart Weitzman heels and all the BLINGs we can get our hands on, don't get me wrong.

We still love all those. I mean who doesn't?

But, when it comes to men, it's the little things that truly makes the difference and the secret to our long lasting devotion, yet most men take them for granted.

ONE: Hold Our Hands

Sometimes when we're already in a long term relationship or when we've been married for many years, our men forget or take for granted to hold our hands. Sometimes men would walk so fast and far ahead, leaving us women behind.

We feel abandoned, forgotten and insecure. Although it's a tiny gesture, holding our hands make us feel loved, and protected. Please, please keep holding our hands when we're outside walking some where or even in the car sitting next to you.

Studies have shown anyway that holding hands is great for our hearts as it'll lower our blood pressure and a great stress reliever. If you could do it last time when we first met, continue to do so till we reach our golden years, till forever.

TWO: Eat Together

Take time to eat together with us. It's our time with you, to share our thoughts and discuss things. We'll be on the same meal schedule and we learn more about each other as day passes, and it can also be a great foreplay ;-)

THREE: Feed us from your plate (once in a while)

Sometimes, feed us from your plate once in awhile, share your meal with us. It's not so much that you share your food with us. It's that thought and gesture of feeding us and let us taste your food, that is kind of intimate and can be sexy. It makes us feel special and sexy, and of course loved.

FOUR: Help us Carry Our Stuff

It's really heart warming when without us having to request for it, you're already taking the stuff from our hands. Sometimes when we just came back from the grocery store and we're carrying so many bags, we do hope you're sensitive enough to notice that take the burden off our shoulders

FIVE: Hug us, just hug us (not only for sex)

Hugging has so many health and love benefits, we don't know why it's so difficult for you to just hug us. Please don't just hug us when you want sex. We feel used. But, do hug us sincerely, daily without that expectation. When we feel loved, you don't even have to ask for it.

Studies have shown that a hug a day with your spouse can increase the level of serotonin, boosts oxytoxin levels, and reduce stress. Plus it activates the solar plexus chakra which increases our immunity.

SIX: Prepare Meals or Dinner for us

If you can't cook, just prepare a simple meal for us or get them from the shop or anything, although there's nothing sexier than a man who knows his way around the kitchen. Again, it's not so much the food, it's the action that shows you care.

SEVEN: Just Listen

We don't need you to tell us what to do. We just need a companion, a friend, a lover who listens, really listen when we have something to share. It's also our way of showing you that you're important to us and that's why we come to you to share something important, to be comforted and to make you an essential part in our life.

EIGHT: Cuddle us especially after sex

Again, we don't want to feel used for sex, we want to feel loved. Deep down all of us women don't want to have sex, we want to make love. So, afterward, just please cuddle us. It makes you sexier, who knows you'll get lucky again. We feel safe and comforted lying on your broad chest.

NINE: Call us Nicely with that Special Name

Call us honey, or baby or darling or anything that is only exclusive to us as your lover and partner. Sometimes men stop or forget. It doesn't cost you anything to continue calling us that.

TEN: Say Sorry and Say Thank You

Drop the ego and just say SORRY when you're wrong. Just say sorry. We're forgiving being, but it really hurts us when you can't even say sorry. Also when we've prepared a lovely meal for you, or baked a cake for you or bring the coffee for you, please just say thank you. A genuine praise would be great if the meal tastes delicious, but saying thank you means a great deal too.

So, there you go. These little things are FREE but they're a HUGE investment into your relationship. Start today, and we already love you. It's not gold that we're asking from our men. Just little acts and gestures that show you care and that you're there.

(Photo Credit: koreabizwire.com)


A gentleman will never forget to do all these...

Great tips! Now...to get the men to comply...Hahaha

Hahaha exactly!