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RE: Psychology Addict # 30 | What Makes a Boy a Boy & a Girl a Girl?

in #psychology7 years ago

Wow! :)

I remember Gender Studies as my favourite, top module of my studies! :)
And now I am just thinking about how weird it is that there are some boys who are so sure that they are of female gender at such young age, while actually boys were so prefered around my region decades ago, that some mothers went so far that they were making boys out of their daughters (by giving them a male name, wearing them clothes for boys, and cutting their hair to look like boys).

Anyways, of course, no gender (of, let's say, unlimited number of genders of today) should be favorized, and I think that with more and more awareness there is more and more space and right fits for everyone. And not only for transgenders or whoever is not a 'right girl' or a 'right boy'. We are all multidimensional beings, mixture of many things, and I am happy that world is moving towards more and more acceptance towards everyone authenticity. Because, for as long as one person expresses his/her real self, while feeling happy and not damaging the others, it should be considered as 'normal' and accepted.

Thanks for this great post, I hope many people see and read it - and especially those who are still against the value behind! :)

Because, for as long as one person expresses his/her real self, while feeling happy and not damaging the others, it should be considered as 'normal' and accepted.

YES! 😍

Interesting social information you shared here about the preference for boys in your region. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it; but, we sure have come long way when it comes to acceptance! Still, we have a loong way to go :)

Thank you my dear, for stopping by and leaving your beautiful contribution always!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Have a great weekend you too! :)!