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RE: A New Definition For Psychopathy

in #psychology7 years ago

I have to interject something that you exclude from the concept. It would be freedom. Most Countries with poor usually have tyrannical governments. It is not the American who buys the t-shirt made by slave labor who owns all guilt for that slave labor. If governments were free democracies rather than Communist/Socialist/Dictatorships, those people would not be starving. Righteous American enviornmentalists & Socialists who act like they care so much more than the rest of us are actually hurting the World's poor even more. By banning DDT with lies & propaganda saying it is harmful & needed banned they have subjected poor to diseases spread by insects that could have been erradicated. By pushing the lie of 'man made' global warming and centralized global authorities to rule how & what we use for energy, they leave many poor in destitude without electricity & cheap oil based energy which would positivly effect their lives. It's time that we see the 'evil' acts on all sides and which does not exclude those such as Hollywood elite who 'say' they care while their actions say otherwise.