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RE: Psychology Addict # 30 | What Makes a Boy a Boy & a Girl a Girl?

in #psychology7 years ago

First of all I want to emphasize that I like very much that you deal with these topics that are very interesting and currently a very common reality. He did not consider me a person who judges or points out another one because of how you saw, how he speaks or because of his sexual preference, in the century in which we already have this kind of behavior, and I mean to follow or support the opposite of what the society has been cataloged as the stereotype of man and woman, is increasingly accepted because people are not as closed mind as in the past, despite not sharing these preferences I consider it as something normal we are free to be, do and say what better we look as long as we do not harm or affect other people. From small (children) I think it is possible to develop behaviors that determine our personality, when we are children our tastes and preferences are influenced by our parents and the way they educate us and teach what is right or wrong by the laws of society, however I consider it peculiar that a child of 5 years can already decide what path to take in terms of gender / sex, but seeing so many cases of transgenic children and their stories is an increasingly real issue.
I find it quite interesting and I am very curious to know more about all the studies that are done to know the why of human behavior, sincerely I am not very knowledgeable and I dare to say that I am ignorant in many related topics, but I am pleased to read your publications and in this way to expand a little more the knowledge that I already have.

I also invite you to read my post about microagressions that I think you may be interested in!


Hello Dear @jospig :)

Thank you for taking the time to stop by once again and share your views with us! I agree with so many points you raised in your comment. The first one of them being that we have come a long way away when it comes to accepting unconventional behavior. Unfortunately though, there is still enough prejudice and bullying towards it. The way you approach this topic is a very straight-forward one:

I consider it as something normal we are free to be, do and say what better we look as long as we do not harm or affect other people.

Also, you are right, children learn a lot from watching and in my opinion Camille has been influenced by her environment to develop the preferences she did. Nevertheless, like I said at the end of my post. It doesn't really matter which factor - biological, social or psychological - influenced her the most in seeing herself as a little girl, the important thing now is that she can live a life where she is accepted for who she is without experiencing great levels of rejection and discrimination.

I am pleased to hear you found this topic interesting. Your post is a very good one! Interesting topic you explored there :)

All the best!

I am very interested in the subject of psychology, I wanted to study psychology but due to problems that we are experiencing in our country I could not do it.
I liked the theme of the post, I like to read you @abigail-dantes.

I'm thrilled and I'm very happy that you liked my post about micro-achievements (I hope you'll talk about that topic in a future post) a big hug :)