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RE: Children are not Property; They are not Sacrificial Animals for Cultural Blood Rites

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Hi Sterlin. I am feeling very connected to your writing atm and wanted to say thankyou and share this - I've known the concepts expressed in this article with my heart since I was a small child. Sadly, in order to survive (gain favour from those i was dependent on ie. caregivers and educators), I had to repress the knowledge. The ensuing years were lived with inner torment and confusion until I discovered others that were actually living my repressed truth. If we raise our children using any kind of punishment, fear tactics, control or coercion, this becomes their blueprint for living. Survival tactics, competition, comparison, power, 'get over it', 'stop crying' smacking, inequality, repression etc... these are not love. Yet people that 'love' their children and the institutions we place our children in teach it every single day. I acknowledge that many individuals within these institutions do their best to respect the autonomy of each child. Oh and btw, the people I found living this way are known as radical unschoolers.