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RE: Psychology Addict # 40 | How do You React to Your Own Negative Thoughts?

in #psychology6 years ago
Hola mi estimada amiga! Estaba extrañado por su ausencia.

Why Does He Ruminate, Then?
What psychologists mean by individual differences, in a nutshell, is what makes people unique when it comes to their peculiar psychological attributes (e.g IQ levels, personality, cognition etc...).

En esta parte me llama mucho la atención sobre el coeficiente intelectual, podría decir que una persona inteligente podría asimilar este tipo de pensamientos y no ser Rumiante, pero en mi caso es difícil ya que padezco un problema para manejar la ira (cosa por la cual lucho a diario)me considero una persona inteligente y letrada, pero por mi condición soy Rumiante.

While neuroticism (a personality trait) correlates positively to repetitive negative thoughts, ref. making neurotic individuals more prone to resort to such coping mechanism. Research reveals that rumination may as well be a result of cognitive inflexibility.

Esta es la respuesta que he estado buscando desde hace mucho tiempo!

That describes Damian quite well, who, despite not being clinically depressed, finds himself ‘stuck’ in this particular mode of thinking, struggles to see a different way of coping with distressing emotions, and tends to abandon helpful coping strategies even when they bring about positive feedback. ref.. Damian, for example, knows that if he takes the time to watch an action movie, his mood will be lifted (at least for a while). But, he never does that when he is upset.

Sin lugar a duda me está describiendo, soy como Demian, pero con unas desventajas como mis problemas con la ira y la epilepsia.

Why Bother?
I have come across many people who fail to understand why harbouring negative repetitive thoughts is simply not good. Unsurprisingly, most of them were/are actually individuals who tend to ruminate. You see, ruminators do report that through such process they feel they gain understanding into their emotional issues. ref. An impression that dangerously encourages them to keep on ruminating. Dangerously because, rumination is associated with cognitive impairment, entrapment in negative moods, reduced confidence in one’s decisions, and poor effective reasoning. ref. No wonder why Damian feels bewildered.

Es difícil para mí no molestarme, de hecho la mayor toma de decisiones al momento de una angustia no han sido desacertadas, me atrevería a decir que en esos momentos corto el mal desde la raíz, pero son decisiones muy contundentes, cosa que le comentare en un momento por Discord.

But, please, don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting you to simply live in denial and put everything behind you. Not only do you need to reflect about what distresses you; but, you must. Nevertheless, not in a ruminative way.

Efectivamente no puedo vivir así y creer que nada ha pasado, como decimos en mi tierra “hay que tomar el toro por los cachos (cuernos)” pero es determinante como tomamos al toro si como Demian o Laura.
Una vez más gracias por esta publicación, he tomados unas decisiones antes de leer esta publicación, créame que me gustaría que las supiera, un abrazo mi querida Abi.


Hello my dear, dear @javisem 😃

podría decir que una persona inteligente podría asimilar este tipo de pensamientos y no ser Rumiante

No, no, no ... this post does not indicate any sort of correlation of causality between IQ and Rumination. What it says is that similarly to the IQ, personality etc... rumination is understood to be an Individual Diffiference :) For example, in the same way some people are extroverts and others are introverts, others have high IQ and some have average, some people tend to ruminate while others don't.

The possible reason for this being Cognitive inflexibility (thinking style)! 😉

All right, if you are like Damian and you recognize it, that should be the first step to change this pattern of thinking. I understand you have issues with controlling your anger ... have you reflected what is making you fail? What is it that stops you from controlling your anger? Can you find the answer to that?

All right my dear. Thank you for your reflections here and for sharing your thoughts. Let me know if you have any questions about this and I will do my best to reply to them tomorrow.

Yes, last weekend I took a little break with my husband! :) You are very sweet for noticing my absence.

All right. I am going to turn the PC off now.
I wish you a great weekend ahead.
Much love to you :*