How can we redirect our fate?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Continuing the topic from my previous post on whether a person is a creator of his own life, I decided to write a second article on how to redirect our fate in the right direction and to start making things happen.


A few seemingly simple qualities are necessary for a person to start directing his fate in the best possible way. The first and the main thing is to taking responsibility. It means not to blame anyone or anything, including yourself, for your current situation.

Taking responsibility is one of the most difficult tasks. We are always looking for someone to blame, or we find external factors to transfer the blame, but in the end, there is no benefit of accusation.

The inability to take responsibility for your life is a pure doom. We are always waiting for something to happen in our inactivity - to win from the lottery, someone to change, someone to save or leave us, to motivate us, always waiting for something to come from the outside.

This is the behavior of a person who is used to receiving, both emotionally and materially - sympathy, compassion, understanding and so on. It is the assignment of the responsibility for your own feelings and well-being to someone else. To take responsibility sounds scary at first sight, but in reality, it is satisfying and liberating. When you take the responsibility, you are free and independent.

And right here is the question - do we want this freedom?

When we understand the answer to this question and decide whether to take responsibility and guide our fate or to live in a reactive way, we can start deploying the following qualities in our life.

Persistence and discipline - means to make a decision and act steadily towards this decision. Inertia, idleness and inactivity do not exist, where there is a discipline. There is no sitting in your comfort zone. Persistence is not a pointless stubbornness, it is related to pure intention and assertion of ideas and needs, through action.

Patience - it is often confused with waiting, but by its very nature, it has nothing to do with it. Patience means the ability to relax at the moment without any expectations or urgency. The feverish desire that things must happen not just as we want them, but when we want them, trying to put them in our linear perception of time leads only to frustration. Patience is calmness, every seed sown shall bear fruit.

A sense of humor - a superb quality, giving lightness and simplicity. Having or developing a sense of humor does not mean to become a jester, but to have fun childly with the most serious things, not underestimating or disrespecting them. When a person comes into the role of a grown-up, being finally significant and important, inevitably, the obstacles in his life also grow and become more serious.

The sense of humor exists with ease, plainness and acceptance, there is joy in it. It knows that there are no minor questions, as well as no important questions. We are and always will be either too important or too unimportant!

Last but not least - the power of thought. Thoughts generate action. Actions generate habits. Habits build character. Character builds our fate. Everyone can change his fate. Take advantage of the power of thought. Think justly, think noble. You only need to think and act. If you think and act right, then you can become whatever you aspire or wish to. There is no doubt about it. The right kind of thoughts and efforts will make you a master of your destiny.


And ultimately, if the question is, "How can I redirect my fate?" the answer is - take responsibility, stop complaining and self-pity, act! Fear is our only stop and if we give in, it will suck us in, will paralyze our life, until it takes it entirely away.

Thank you for stopping by! I will appreciate your feedback in the comments!



enjoyed reading your post thanks for sharing

Glad that you enjoyed it!

one of the most wonderful post i have read :)

Thank you, it means a lot to me!

I love this Isabelle, so happy I stumbled upon your blog!