Hi merej99, sorry for the late response. I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts on the issues I raised. I have not dedicated much time to the study of autism but from what I've heard, it is still rather mysterious, even in the eyes of the experts.
Regarding your post, I want to say how sorry I am for your experiences with school bullies. Although, I would quibble with your generalized description of kids as 'assholes'.
Having raised 3 boys and having been a kid...I am pretty confident that kids are 'assholes' - or maybe I should rephrase that as 'kids have the potential, and often use their superpowers, to be assholes.' LOL
Asperger's, which was placed on the autism scale in the DSM-V, is definitely somewhat of a mystery by the simple fact that no two people on the scale are exactly alike in the severity of their symptoms - which is why traditional therapies will never work (in my opinion). But this thread just gave me an idea for a post!