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Thanks for sharing, daut44. I recommend avoiding the use of the word 'disease' when discussing schizophrenia. There is no evidence to support the view that schizophrenia is a disease. Even the Chair of the DSM-IV Task Force, Allen Frances, admits that schizophrenia is not a disease (Frances, 2014).
I make it clear in Part 1 of my series that despite the fact that there is no evidence supporting the construct validity of schizophrenia, that does not mean that experiences such as delusions, hallucinations, etc. are not real. People do experience these things and if they desire support, there are ways to help them.

Frances, A. (2014). Saving normal: An insider's revolt against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, big pharma and the medicalization of ordinary life. New York: William Morrow.