W. Köhler made research for learning through insight. For this, he putts a monkey in a room and waited till he is hungry.
After that Köhler put a banana on a rope and a box in the room. The monkey couldn't reach the banana just with jumping he had to use the box to reach it.
First, the monkey tried to jump and catch it. It didn't work out.
He walked restlessly around. This time is called the incubation period. (He has a problem to solve and to think about it how to solve it)
After that period he took determined the box stand on it and jumped to the banana! It worked out.
With this experiment, W. Köhler found out: there is a learning through insight by animals.
It also worked out if they had to put another box on top of the other.
Just if the boxes were in different sizes they weren't smart enough to have a feeling about static.
There are 6 characteristics by learning through insight!
The arrangement of the situation:
If the box was tooo far away from the bananan, the monkey couldn't connect one to the other.After a monkey solved the problem once. It was possible for him to directly solve it again. (He learned)
When he learned to solve the problem it was possible for the monkey to uses the key for another Problem.
The made other experience where the monkey hat to put sticks together to grab the banana. There were solving those problems without any problem.Determined acting:
The monkey acted determined after the incubation period. He didn't hat to try what will work out and what not.chaining of partial treatments. It was possible for the money to first put the box in position and then jump to the banana.**
For me, it's really interesting to see how smart monkeys are! And then, on the other hand, I'm impressed how much more genius our body is made.
The information is from the book "Psychologie" from David G. Myers but written in my own words.
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As always
stay happy
your @goodmindset