Universal laws explained - The first law Part 1

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


Who of you take part in sport?  

Plenty of you I assume! When we take part in sport, there are certain rules to the game. Each and every type of sport has it own set of rules and regulations. Most of you know the rules to the sport you play by heart, but how many of you know the rules of life? 

We are all part of this one journey of life. Life is like a sport with rules, and to play this game, we need to stick by the rules. The rules of life are universal and nothing that we do can change the fact that these rules exist or influence our lives in any way.  These are laws created by nature, and they are not bound to any religion or similar, but they are the universal laws of nature. We can not add to the rules or take away any of the rules.  They are just there, and influence our lives daily.   


Over the following week, I am going to post about the different laws of nature, and will explain each and every one in detail.  The universal laws are:

  • The Law of Mentalism
  • The Law of Correspondence 
  • The Law of Vibration  
  • The Law of Polarity  
  • The Law of Rhythm 
  • The Law of Cause and Effect 
  • The Law of Gender  

The first law - The law of mentalism


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During the week I posted about one of these laws and my believe in the laws of nature. If you missed the post, please read it here. 

In today's post I will give you more detail about the first law of nature. The law of mentalism.  This law is immutable, which means that it is a fixed law and it can not be changed. It is literally mind over matter. If you keep thinking about the same things, then the same things will happen to you over and over again. 

If you don't open your mind to new things, your thoughts will not change and you will not explore new things. If you have a strong will and believe in certain things, then it will be difficult to change your mind, but as soon as you change your mindset and open up your mind to new things then you will be open to explore new roads.  The only thing that you need to do to change your life, is to think differently and change your mind. 


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The power of the mind

All is mind and mind is energy.  The law of conservation of energy states the following:

Energy can not be destroyed nor created, but it can be transferred from one object to another.  

So what is mind-power? 

All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. This is reality. It does not have to be proven and it is just a fact.  If you want to know more about Quantum physics, then please click here. This video is long but it is extremely interesting and might teach you quite a bit. 

Our thoughts literally affect what happens to us, and it can most definitely affect the outcome of something. Negative thoughts  attract negative results.  Negative thoughts have to be replaced with  positive thoughts. Negative thoughts and positive thoughts do not mix  well.  Confusion sets in the second that negative thoughts come into  your mind.   

What do you want in life?

Most of us do not know what we want in life, and I had this precise discussion with my students in class today. My answer as always is that you can become whatever you want to become is possible if you set your mind to something.  If you are unsure it is a good thing to make a list of things of what exactly it is that you DO NOT want in life.  Once you know what you don't want, it is easier to realize what it is that you really want. Once you have this list, it is important to keep it close to you at all times, so that you can be reminded often of what you want to achieve in life.  

Put the list on the wall next to you where you work or put it on a sticky note on your computer. Save it on your phone, but whatever you do, do not lose focus. It is extremely important to not lose focus.  The more you think  about achieving these results, the more positive your life will become.   

If you focus on the right things then you are literally CHANGING YOUR  MIND. You have to be strict with yourself.  You can only be a focused individual if you follow the rules.  Literally motivate yourself daily. Make sure that the list is the first thing that you see in the morning  when you wake up, and the last thing that you see before you go to  sleep.   

References and more resources if you want to explore this law of mentalism.







That is really good advice for youngsters. I have 2 kids growing up and this post make me stronger at what I am telling them. You need to make target in life to get what you want to be. Upvoted, followed. Thanks again. Hugs from Spain.

Thank you. Believe me once they grow up they suddenly remember everything you taught them...my son is at university now and he is the most motivated person I know. Just keep on motivating them. You are a good parent. Thanks for your comment.

Thank you! You are a good parent for sure. I am spending most of my life to make them good for themselves and also for the world... I have started to read your previous post as well. Lots thing to be add ourselves there I have noticed. Thanks again. Peace and Love.

Yes... Very true. You need to make your mind clear to achieve something. Maybe listening some 528mhz music or going somewhere to clear what you uploaded in past and focus to your target. I believe in law of universe. Thanks for this powerful post. Upvoted and followed for future posts.

You are very right is ur post few months ago i wasnt able to write any thing.
i was telling my self i cant that i haven't been doing it and it will get difficult for me but i changed my thought earlier this year and i began to see my self improving, kits definitely an example of this saying that goes "your are what you think ".

I agree that thoughts create and thinking the right kinds of thoughts helps but there's more to that. You might get to it later in your series but i wanted to mention it. You can get angry or happy without thinking those thoughts. You can be thinking angry thoughts and then the sun hits your face and step barefoot on the beach sand and hear the waves and that changes your thoughts to more positive ones.

still getting to that part... but you are right!

I love a lot of this, but I’m also not sure about a lot of it.

For example, when you say that all physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy and that this doesn’t have to be proved, how are there still physists out there working on trying to figure out, what, exactly, makes up physical reality and how to prove it?

LQG proponents moved away from the “tiny vibrating energy strings” idea into tiny quantized granular packets of space-time connected together as spin networks...not much vibrating energy going on there. And they may be very very wrong.

But isn’t this something on which the science still isn’t fully settled?

I love your message, I hope you don’t take this as criticism of the intentions and message.

It just threw me off a bit when you referenced “reality as vibrating energy” as being axiomatic.

I want to add something.

We call it mind, the one which is responsible to do all this. But to be precise, it is the subconscious mind not the conscious one. Subconscious holds 95% of our brain. It handles our internal organs, pumps blood, digest food and what not !! Similarly, it handles our outside world also. Our conscious brain is only 5% .

So the main thing to do is to transmit the messages of what we want to the subconscious mind. And we all know subconscious mind can be controlled only by practicing one thing over and over again. Like driving, swimming etc !! We learn it from conscious mind in the beginning but later we do it with the subconscious!!

So win your life by winning your subconscious !! All the best everyone 😃


Good advice! Thanks for your input here.

Good advice!Thanks for share..

Great series @giantbear, look forward to the next post in this series!
Years ago I came across a quote by Anne Hibbert: "If we did all we are capable of we would literally astound ourselves"
This is so very true, have lived my life with that motto, hoping more steemians take note of your awesome post!

This blog is so up my street! In this I believe in the art of 'learning' and you should be willing to learn everyday. If you turn off this switch it stumps the 'power of thought' mentality.