Consciousness would teach us that thinking of fame and gratitude for saving the life of the woman is not the goal. If the man's motive is this, the test is a failure.
We are never finished learning, growing, becoming more complex, lowering entropy. Nirvana is not the end goal. Silence, nothingness, the void, is where we start.
If the test is mindfulness of lesser creatures, and one spends his existence sweeping ants from his path, so as not to step on them, while passing the child dying of hunger on the street, leaving her in a cloud of dust, the test has been a failure.
Information has been gained from all these actions. Nothing is wasted, Just as in nature.
Psychopaths and extreme altruistic acts ARE just as diseased, If the altruistic deeds are for self satisfaction, acclaim, political gain, brownie points. Doing good without thought of self, is the definition of selflessness.
It's ironic, we come into this reality as individuals, to learn that we are one.
Never fear, the hard drive was backed up long ago and the reset button has been pushed many times. We have no worries about passing our SAT's while still taking naps and having snack time.
You talk of being tested. Who is the tester?
Rewards and punishments are part of the living realm. Consciousness presupposes life.
Saying that altruism is good and psychopathy is bad is judgemental, which is ego.
Extremes are usually unsavory. A little bit of salt on your potato improves the flavor. A cupful of salt makes it inedible.
No sane person would choose ants over a child, but an ant would.
I'm a traveler, not a tourist. I once fed a couple of starving children in Ecuador. It was frightening to watch them eat. They were far too hungry to be grateful, they ate like starving dogs. Likewise, I didn't get any sense of self-satisfaction from the experience. I did it because it seemed the right thing to do. In many ways it was terrifying, perhaps a glimpse of the future.
The guy who owned the restaurant I was in severely admonished me for feeding street urchins. Later in downtown Lima, Peru I got a feeling for what he meant. I gave a coin to a beggar boy. Within seconds I was buried in children with their hands out. I gave up all the coins I had. That only made things worse. Older boys soon joined the group. They started tugging on my clothes and eventually I had to catch a taxi because there were now enough of them to take from me whatever they wanted. It wasn't friendly. It was desperate.
There aren't enough Mother Theresas in the world. If you truly believe what you say about serving mankind, I urge you to dedicate your life to doing just that. The need is certainly bottomless and whoever you refer to as the judge would surely be pleased.
There is no judge, it's all just data.