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RE: Empathy: The Dark Side of Feeling What Others Feel

In counselling situations, the people who have a personal problem will require a little emphatic feeling or relationship with a positively-oriented and adjusted fellow, who must be in the position to help them to change into a better condition of life, when they speak out the negative thoughts which they are experiencing and disregarding. I mean that, the counsellor will have to empathise and feel the condition of guilt which a client experienced, most importantly, during their professional relationship in Counselling Psychology.
I agree with you that, we don't have to express too much of emphatic feeling to the others, as this will distort the perception of an actual situation, and bring a negative consequence to the relationship.
Empathy should never be used without our consideration.Really, @alien.nation, expressing too much of our empathy towards the other people will be disastrous, when such people don't understand how to handle the situation and express themselves more politely. We don't have to create unnecessary worry, fear, or anxiety, for ourselves, when there is no real or contingent reason behind this. I mean, this kind of situation may bring about negative effects, emotions, or consequences. I am @gboyegaogunmola. I am a writer. I am writing article on the topic "psychological aspect of man". I want people to solve personal problems, through reading my "personality literature".


It is not bad to me an empath as long as you know where to draw the line, and as long as you recognize people draining your energy.
Thank you for your comment!