Mini Motivation #6 - Have you read anything good recently?

in #psychology7 years ago


                               “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”
Mark Twain

With the onset of technology, the old medium of knowledge "Books" have certainly taken a back seat. Initially radio....Then TV (The Idiot box - Rightly said)....and now Youtube, Kindle , wikipedia ....and many more such visually appealing apparatus has taken the lime light away from the good old books.

It seems todays youngsters believe theres more appeal in watching Youtube or reading Wikipedia to gain knowledge rather than reading books, some even think its a waste of time. 

                                                                          What do you guys think? 

My generation grew with books in our hands and even our elders used to encourage us to read more, so that the wise words percolate into our subconscious, improving not only our vocabulary but adding colours to our personality.

It is believed that travelling and reading have an equal effect on ones personality development, it provides insight into great depths of knowledge which a visual medium such as youtube will ever provide.

Though the visuals of youtube and such other sites is inviting and visually appealing, it cannot match the power of brain and its imagination which happens when one reads a book and is fully engrossed into it. One must also understand that reading good books have an lasting impression while watching videos may not have lasting memories(Try it im sure you will understand what I mean).

So guys revert back to the wonderful habit of reading and you will be a different person all together, a more learned version of yourself.

let me know which books have you read recently or planning to read soon.

Mini Motivation is a daily strategy to inspire myself, I learnt from @maverickfoo. Many Thanks to him I have started writing regularly, he my true inspiration now. This series is one thing which allows me to motivate myself not only to write but to start my day on a write foot, motivated. #gratitude #motivation #belief
Hope its of some help to you guys too.....
Your comments are most welcome, they will certainly inspire me in a right direction and yes upvotes are a great motivation too.#passonthelove


I may be a gadget lover but as far as reading is concerned i’m still old school. Hard copies are my thing. Besides the smell of a new book and its crisp pages exhilarates me.
I have recently read Origin by Dan Brown(one of my favorite for fiction) and planning to read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Yup Dan Brown is awesome! Though Hard copies sound good... I prefer kindle due to a​ large amount of flexibility it provides. But obviously, ​it cant replace the smell and feel of a hard copy.
Thanks for sharing

I read Blink for a Social Psychology class. It is really a good book to begin to understand our brains automatic implicit responses. Some of the studies in the book are currently being questioned, as is the case with a lot of social psychology today, so just remember that the information is several years old, now.

I am still in love with hard copies instead of e-books. In my opinion, movies based of books dont do the justice with the story. thats why I always read the book first and then watch the movie

Cant agree more with you, I also love books rather than the television series or the movie. The books somehow have an added charm to them when it​ works with our mind to create the scene.It somehow is so amazing that no visual medium can beat it.
But yes, hard copies are cumbersome to carry around i prefer kindle these day! What about you? do you use a kindle?

I am reading "Pavan Khind" by Ranjit Desai ( A Marathi​ novel based on Maratha​ empire ), what are you reading these days?

No, I dont use kindle. I get bored with E-books. I guess I am in love with the actual touch and feel of books.
I recently started reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" By Khaled Hosseini. This guy is an amazing writer. His writing will take you into an imaginary world... give you hopes ..break your dreams.. make you cry. ... and sometimes leave your heart aching.

awesome!! Thanks for sharing will note it for my future reading.

I forced my self into the habit of reading books everyday and now, I can see the difference between me now and then. I thought it was a stressful thing to do, but it was the other way round. Thanks alot

Hey thanks for sharing your views , even i have implemented that habit forcefully now getting into proper routine.

For me, the true experience of a book starts with the smell of the book in the hand. Nothing is more pleasing then the smell of a new book and no doubt, nothing can replace the reading.

Creating you own characters and watching them is adventure then watching the already made movie.

I am reading " turtles all the way down "by john green :)

Awesome Thanks for sharing, will note it for my future reading

Save paper books! I just read “Do Androids Dream if Electric Sheep” by Philip K Dick. It is the story that the movie Bladerunner was loosely based on. The book is amazing, so much more story than the book. A completely different feel than the movie portrays. I can’t wait to read more of his work, as they are easy to digest, though they have grande ideas being explored.

Books are what educate, entertain, and inspire us to do more. Though I prefer to touch and smell mine, I would never disparage a person for using the little electronic gadgets. At least they are expanding their mind!

Well said, thanks for sharing.