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RE: Psychology Addict # 26 | Depression – Where to Draw the Line?

in #psychology7 years ago

i had the post in an opened window in order to find some time to read the whole thing and not just a part of it. After that, except the fact i understand about some basic things about the differences and some ways to ''cure'' or solve the problem in a way, i think i got more confused as some questions came in my mind.

So one more thing i understood is that one thing can lead to another so from just a sad event there is a chance if you have no help at all to evolve into severe depression. My confusion is that apparently there isn't some secret formula to solve it but it just by case. I would like to avoid the drugs even in early state because i think they harm more than they good they offer so how exactly can we help people who might be sad or have mild depression?

Some people are more absolute and don't listen to other easily while other the opposite, so if a person like that is sad or have mild depression the whole process of just talk to him probably can't solve anything so what you do in this case? Also if you try many different things to make the sadness go away like meditation, walks,gym,books,music,small talks,going out etc etc may bombard the person and bring again more harm than good as the exact opposite thing with one thing for too short time may cause too

In generally i believe we were in a good state of finding out when a person has depression and in what state, but the hard part was how to cure or erase it. Also and i will finish with it cause i tend to type a lot and i don't know if what i am writing has a meaning or are just plain nonsense is that the role of psychiatrist or physiologist is somewhat biased and not many people wanna ''end up'' there, in my country for instance (Greece) except in the severe depression case if you say you need psychologist everyone mind goes to '' you think i am crazy?'' so i believe that role must be more ''friendly'' for the audience!


Hello dear @filotasriza3 :)

so how exactly can we help people who might be sad or have mild depression?

The main thing here is to tackle their negative feelings and thoughts, but also respect they space. I think the best way to do this is to make them see you are there for them whenever they need.

Some people are more absolute and don't listen to other easily while other the opposite, so if a person like that is sad or have mild depression the whole process of just talk to him probably can't solve anything so what you do in this case?

This is a truly interesting question @filostasriza3 :) because, for example, in the case of Luca, he is a young adult and the last thing he wants is to be lectured all the time on how he should look at the bigger picture, how he doesn't need to feel low ... etc... so imagine taking that approach to people who, as you put it, 'doent listen to other people'!

This is when actions can replace words! :) Another way to help people to reverse their mild-depression is to get them to reengage with the things they have stopped doing. In Luca's case if only someone made the effort to get him out of the house and went with him to the park and just stayed there while he takes some photos; you know ... without even talking about the things that are making him sad or stressing him out!

in my country for instance (Greece) except in the severe depression case if you say you need psychologist everyone mind goes to '' you think i am crazy?''

This is the sort of misconception that brings so much stigma to this topic, don't you think? I do believe, this is why we have to spread more understanding about mental-health.

All the best to you ;)

thanks a lot for taking the time to reply to my questions as i wrote a lot :P and i know you want to control your time and have a schedule! So bottom line in my second question is that we have as tools words and actions which we should use depending on the case!