That was a very interesting topic and once again i don't know where to start! hmm let's start with George. I believe that George as you mentioned in your previous post above everything accepted his ''problem'' and tried overcoming it not only for his sake and happiness but for his families and friends too. That's really amazing i think, because through this we can see and understand as you say too that family and in general relationships plays a very important role in overall happiness. Probably if he was alone in the world, the whole case would have been totally different!
Gratitude is another thing that can bring us closer and closer to happiness. If we just start appreciating the little things that happen and exist around us like having a healthy life, the nature, having kids,eating your favorite food,sleeping in your bed covered with your favorite warm blanket, go out for a coffee with your friends (the list goes on) our self happiness will improve as well as the feeling of joy that others will see around us. the whole concept is so simple but yet so hard to achieve and also haha i can relate with the experiment that after a while looked like an exercise!
Forgiveness at least for me is the hardest part. Although i can forgive a lot of things, when something is concerning my family,friends or have to do with big lies i can't forgive that person. I won't have hate as it will harm me too but i just consider that person like it doesn't exist in the world. The self-forgiveness part is whole other talk!
Where is today's excercise? :P
Oh @filotasriza3, I am grateful for your invaluable and consistent support! You are amazing :) But, then again, look at how easy the good things in your life come to you (you have a good heart)! There is something you said here, that I found particularly beautiful:
isN'T this something for us to be truly grateful for?
But, like you said, despite the simplicity of it all, it is not something easy to achieve. I suppose this is why we have to be proactive to embrace this sort of practice in our lives.
Forgiveness, of course, is a tricky one; especially, like you said when it is concerning someone else we love and big lies. Still, it is important to keep in mind that by simply not nurturing negative feelings is already a good step towards forgiveness. The way I personally see this is that, through forgiving,I am the main beneficiary! Both, mentally and physically speaking :)
As for today's homework. Well, I decided to give you guys a break. Ahahahahah
All the best to you my dear.
Have a wonderful weekend!
is this something for us to be truly grateful for?
I think i get how you mean this but i bear in mind that life is unfair when i am thinking it. I know that some simple things like that must be granted to everyone and we shouldn't just be thankful that we have such simple things that we all deserve. But thinking that life is unfair and one day without my fault i can lose everything, i grew to be grateful for those small things. you know how i mean it right?
And as always thanks for the reply!
PLEASE! That was a truly terrible typo! This is what I meant:No, no, no @filotasriza3
isn't this something for us to be truly grateful for?
Having a warm bed IS something I am grateful for and I hope everyone is too! For the very reasons you said, life is so unfair, and it is a good thing that you are grateful for the small things! I actually consider this a gift! GOSH that was the worst grammar mistake I could have possibly made! I am glad it was with you though, because I know now you will just laugh at me :P Ai, ai, ai
Lots of love to you my dear!
hahaha let's pretend as it never happened :p