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RE: Synesthesia: A Fascinating Sensory Condition

This was quite the interesting read. I have synesthesia and I've had it since I was about 5/6 ever since I awoke from a successful brain surgery. I didn't even know that there were that many different types of synesthesia out there. I can see and sound and more specifically music in color as well as taste it. I also see letters and numbers in varying colors too. That's about the full extent of my synesthesia though, haven't explored it further.


That's really cool, I'm glad you shared that. Do you feel like its added something to your life? I took a look at your profile and it sounds like it plays a pretty important role in what you do. Has the nature of your experience changed over time?

Well most people said it would hinder my progress, but it's done nothing but help me. It's helped me mathematically and also with my spelling. I haven't really noticed any changes ever since it's awakened inside of me. Although I'm into the music industry so it does a whole lot for me in that regard.