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RE: Psychology Addict # 29 |The Architecture of Sustainable Happiness – Positive Psychology

in #psychology7 years ago

Hey@abigail-dantes, thank you again for a thought-provoking and well written post! I was thinking about 'subjective well-being', I would think it is just that, subjective! George used as an example for 'sustainable happiness' in my humble opinion I get, however life teaches us that we are not indestructible, but rather total destruction of the old life is required to live a fulfilled life of purpose regardless of events that takes us there.

In other words, his disability has not stopped him from living a purposeful life of gratitude and where I'm sure happiness has replaced thoughts he may have had before his accident. Peace.


Hello @fiercewarrior :) Well, another thought-provoking comment! I have come across many people who have this sort of attitude towards life - the 'I am indestructible!' one. There is a sense of entitlement and lack of humility in these people that truly bothers me!

Thank you for stopping by once again my dear.
I wish you all the best always :)

I am honoured @abigail-dantes, thank you for your generosity. I agree with you, 'entitlement and lack of humility' suggests a lack of love for humanity -total SELF destruction. Peace.

Definitely agree with you on this. I had a conversation with a lady who owns our local pizza place about this topic. They lost everything they owned, including their house, due to massive fires we had some months ago. She has made peace with it, and it shows. It is truly beautiful when people find meaning in their own tragedies. They are realizations which redefine everything, for the better. Painful process but worth it.

Yes, worth it, a necessary process indeed. Peace.