The reality is the result of our thoughts. 20 habits of happy people.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I learn for themselves the habits of happy people and analyze whether these habits inherent to me!

So 6 habits that I wrote earlier: 

 Habit 1. They are not crowding in someone else's negative.

 Habit 2.  They share with others what they can. 

 Habit 3. They care about their important relationships.

 Habit 4. They love not only others but also themselves.

 Habit 5. For them effectiveness is more important than fame.

  Habit 6. They know when need to say "no"!

Today, consider the following habit

Habit 7.  They can to be grateful from the heart! 

Perhaps gratitude is one of the owners of the kingdom of happiness! The more a person is grateful, the less it is prone to depression, loneliness, causeless anxiety, jealousy or neurosis.

Звичка 7. Вони вміють бути вдячні від щирого серця!

Мабуть вдячність є одна з володарок царства щастя! Чим більше людина є вдячною, тим менше вона схильна до депресії, самотності, безпричинної тривоги, заздрості або неврозів.

Follow me! To be continued.


Most emotion states are a form of self delusion. Except pain of course. Can't Pollyanna my way out of a stubbed toe.