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RE: Psychology Addict # 43 | The Corrosive Effect of Time on Love

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

LOL! Sure about not trying to convince me? :)

Oh, I know motors, grew up with four brothers: they were always hidden under their cars or hoods. ;-)

Have you ever seen a Kinesin or is it something others made visible for you through abstraction resp. visual models? So that already is not the visible reality you just referred to but a cognized construction in order to describe and take influence on what is perceived as a mechanism.

The space between certainty and uncertainty is nevertheless there. And of course, this is a theory as you may very well know that science is operating with probabilities, averages and all kinds of quantities but never claims for itself that there is a certain hundred percent water proved evidence of "reality". Otherwise, you couldn't attribute the explanation of "Kinesin" to Biology resp. the specification of Genetics (based on theories). As Biology is accepted widely as science.

There is no mysticism or something not explainable.

Of course not, why should it? A mechanism is just a mechanism.

No, I am not arguing that touching matter is not real, because it is. And I do agree with you that the space in between us is what holds us together and makes connection possible in the first place. What I touch is in full processing as I myself am in full processing through what I call my life. As nobody really can explain what life actually is, I would say, that is the part which remains mysterious and unexplainable. I like explanations a lot and I am always in search for them. But I also like to accept the uncertainty which makes life really fruitful and lively because I cannot explain it.

You, too have a good day. Was a pleasure and gave me some inspiration!