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RE: Psychology Addict # 27 | Discussing Misconceptions about Psychology

in #psychology7 years ago

I just read your article, first time reading your content. I want to start of by saying well done, very well articulated. As a 4th year medical student and someone who is actively pursuing my residency in psychiatry, I can tell you first hand that mental health issues are real. Not only are they real but they can be very debilitating, stopping people from loving their lives to their full potential. Whether it being a mood disorder, or though process disorder its all very difficult. I think the need for mental health awareness is crucial as we grow into this society of instant gratification. It sets up people for alot of misconceptions which could be deemed as failures.

One thing I would like to point out is that the medical literature actually shows that the combination of both CBT and anti depressants has been shown to be the most effective in dealing with depression. There are some who dont benefit, and there are treatments for them as well (Electric convulsive therapy, Vagal nerve stimulation). The point being is that if anyone out there is suffering please know that there are people that care for you and want to help you.

Having suffered from a major depressive disorder myself back in 2010, I know how scary, lonely and frustrating it is. Questions like "will I always be this way?" or "What is making me feel this way?" And without the right help I could have not gotten myself out of it. But I am much stronger becuase of it and have learned various coping techniques that have helped me become a stronger person.

Again, bravo on the article. Will be following you!


you for a truly nice motivating comment! I feel I am very lucky for having people like you leaving such encouraging words about my work here, which is to debunk misconceptions about mental-health and psychology within my humble means! And yes, thank you for pointing out the greater benefits of having a combined treatment of ADMs and CBT. I am aware of that. But, there is so much one can address on a single post! :)Hello @elfakiym thank

I would also like to thank you for sharing with us your own experience with Major Depression, it is this sort of attitude that helps to reduce the stigma around this subject. I am pleased to hear you found your way out of it and that that experience has turned you into a stronger person.

All the best to you always!