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RE: Psychology Addict # 33 | Visits from Lost Loved Ones & Out-of-Body Experiences

in #psychology7 years ago

Damn. I was planning to write an article on OBEs as well - now I have to give credit to you and can't earn all the fame alone D:

Anyway. In case, you haven't already, I can recommend to read the work of Thomas Metzinger, one of the few German philosophers I respect, who did quite some research regarding OBEs and consciousness in general. He made me many years ago realize, that all this talking about a "soul" and "near death experiences" are just misinterpreted OBEs - which was pretty amazing to see.


I have come across the works of Thomas Metzinger as a secondary source in materials about the self. But now, after your recommendation, I shall look into his work with more depth :)

I am already looking forward to seeing what you are going to write for us about OBEs.

Take care and thank you for stopping by Ego ❤