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RE: Psychology Addict # 43 | The Corrosive Effect of Time on Love

in #psychology7 years ago

Is it Friday, already??

Another interesting read - psycho-philosophical with scientific discussion! What's not to love about it? :)

I could only add that we should not be so obsessed with finding "the one", or looking for "the one we deserve". Unconditional love could only occur if true friendship between two individuals is present. If there is no friendship - there is no love. Only attachment and benefit.


Ahahah @dysfunctional, you are SO witty! 😃

Looking for "the one" or "the one for me" can be a frustrating search, indeed. Particularly, because, those who tend to embark on such journeys are the ones who tend to hold huge expectations and unreal ideals, I believe.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long post and participate in the debate my dear. I hope you have had a chance to rest during the summer.

I am really looking forward to my break :)

Bye, bye for now and take care.