Are you on a cow run @mistermercury? I see you have cow stuck in your mind : )
Just a few weeks ago I told my family about the origin of a thought. If it is a pure thought. One not influenced by TV, newspapers or radio where do you think it comes from. It is indeed a very interesting topic. The pity lies in the fact that we allow our thoughts to be steered by a cartel.
Such a simple question, but one of the most difficult of all to answer for it speaks to the mystery of consciousness itself. So just a couple of teasers for right now, but a good subject for another post.
Buddhist meditation masters can rise in consciousness to a point of pure awareness or consciousness where there is no thought, just pure awareness. They become the "Observer".
Another teaser: Through mindfulness training one can become aware of the most subtle of energies. One can dissect a moment of consciousness into many micro sections.
Everything is energy. Everything. On a certain level of consciousness one can navigate the Oneness of All, and in so doing discover and experience this phenomenon. However, I can create a thought, an awareness of this moment right now too.
So I guess what I'm saying is that there are multiple sources of thought: the immediate moment that I create, and then the other great Source that can be divisible into as many fractals as you'd like is Source, the living Cosmos, God, whatever you feel comfortable calling it but it is ALL ONE thing. ONE source of pure energy and pure knowledge.
Oh, my ... I know some of the Masters can bask in that pure energy all day, and that experiencing it is vastly different that writing about it. I have had the blessing of being able to taste that great Oneness. it's odd, even right at this moment, know that is there, while at the same time I plod along in this slow-time moment typing away in my tiny, tiny, tiny little bit of consciousness which is part of the Whole. Oh, well, I probably lost you there, or you may be far ahead on the path waving me forward. But it is all One path.
Wow. Thanks for sharing that experience. It seems although I have picked up a lot whilst doing research I have only scratched the surface.
Thank you for the post and comment @mistermercury. Every time we talk I take away something new.