It does seem to be that there is a level area for individuals happiness. That is to say, whatever factors went into creating their interpretation of what 'happiness' actually means, it was probably set either at early age by outside forces or genetic makeup or a mixture of both and that is the level they will return to whether they are voyaing back to it from a high or a low.
I am an introvert but am able, I say, to play at being an extrovert. I find the human animal interesting and often do enjoy occasionally mixing in company but find I am always asking about people and genuinely interested in their respones. To me their company is like a book come to life, with all the interesting fears and hopes they have. I find, however, that most people tend to not ask about you unless prompted and will rattle on and on about themselves. For me, this is fine, as I mostly like to hear about them, me being an introvert I've always been more one to talk over and deal with my own state of being with myself and prefer it, thus introvert.
I do find, that after playing at extrovert I need a few days of isolation from people for me to readjust to myself and possibly return to that state of happiness which I think you are talking about here.
I have often wondered if being a true extrovert would have served my life better, but then, being a true introvert, have a good sit down and 'talk' with myself and find it matters little as for whatever the reason my 'happiness' and my own company seemed to be the preferred result for me. I was the youngest of a large family so in essence was an only child, as my siblings were all out of the house when I was young and I had older doting parents who also let me be. My older siblings had children my age and so I would occasionly be with them in Summer holidays and it was like also being part of a large family with siblings my age. I think this combination made me an introvert with the ability to mix socially and play at extrovert. Who can know.
I have probably veered off topic here. Another introvert situation as there is no one to get me back on track as I follow all my thoughts down various rabbit holes ;)
Such an interesting and well written piece. Thank you for it.
Hello @donnadavisart :) It is great to see you here and even better it was to read this beautiful comment!
Well, I just loved following you on this inner-journey. I am always fascinated by people equipped with self-awareness. Not only do you know what has constructed your set point levels of well-being, but you also know the intentional activities that increase your levels of satisfaction.
It is a beautiful quality being interested in people's responses, and it is also beautiful being able to spend time with oneself in a productive way as you said you seem to do "I need a few days of isolation from people for me to readjust to myself and possibly return to that state of happiness". I feel precisely like this from time to time :)
Thank you for taking the time to read my work! I wish you all the best.