Children's Advocates Issue Warning Over Psychological Techniques Being Used To Keep Kids Glued To Their Screens

A group of at least 60 various researchers, psychologists, and children's advocates from the United States, have come together to try and influence the American Psychological Association to condemn the various psychological techniques that they say are being employed to try and keep children addicted to their screens today.

The different specialists are working with the Children's Screen Time Action Network and they've recently published a letter that's addressed to the APA.

Those advocates are backing up their concerns with a myriad of studies that have previously suggested that there are links to be found between excessive screen time and depression, academic difficulty, and more.

Not all of the research on video gaming or social media is negative however, and just because someone might enjoy playing video games doesn't mean they aren't productive, aren't intelligent, that they have poor health, or are anti-social etc.

You can find many gamers today and people who spend plenty of time online, who still manage to work and pay their bills, or keep up with their schooling, who have long-term relationships both social and romantic, and who are also wildly intelligent etc. Some studies have even suggested that playing video games might help to improve academic success. There are some children and others though, who aren't able to manage the gaming and media time as successfully and they do suffer tremendously because of their social media or gaming addiction.

According to the advocates who have together recently issued their letter to the APA, they say that there are powerful psychology principles and techniques that are being used today, and they are being used against the children playing these games. Even if those children want to try and self-regulate and successfully moderate their play time for example, such techniques it seems would definitely work against them and make it much more difficult to say no to more play time or screen time.

Social media can be used in a very powerful and positive way to improve the lives of many, to connect people, to help educate, and much more. But it also brings with it a dark side; excessive use of social media has previously been linked to anxiety and depression.

One previous study from the UK which surveyed more than 1400 young people, asked them about their opinions on different social media apps, and they found that many of them saw those social media apps as contributing negatively to the mental health of young people. It's not just the psychologists and child advocates themselves, young users also see how it might deteriorate the quality of life for many who aren't able to successfully self-regulate their addiction.

Those behind the recent letter to the APA insist that there are many families out there today who don't understand why their children are so addicted to these devices and platforms. If they had a better understanding of the intricate psychological techniques being employed to keep them hooked, perhaps that would be able to them them assist their children in navigating the addiction.

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These companies are monopolies and need to be broken up ASAP!

Or people could voluntarily choose to lessen their use of centralized social media services and commercial games. We can vote with our dollars and our attention. If people stop giving so much attention to Facebook, it's power will become less.

It is all about addiction which brings control and money. Think about us on Steemit. This is an addictive platform for producing content to benefit ones reputation score or financial gain. For that we offer our thoughts and minds in digital records. Kind of like a crypto casino. You never know what the outcome of your comment or post will be. Children have their own addiction to the screen. Sadly it impedes face to face contact and makes you submit to the screen. Almost sounds a lite Orwellian voluntary format. The TV did the same thing in the 1950'. Thanks.

I guess at the heart of the problem lied the issue of Self Discipline. Obviously I am not the one to undermine somebodies struggle with it, God knows that I have had more than my share of trouble in the department.

Nevertheless children and adults are both subject to problems where thet have to learn to rgulate their habits. Although in the case of children the issue becomes far more serious and complicated and cannot be handled by a simplistic one dimensional argument that I gave before.

There is also the fact that when habits of children are being affected by outside forces then the issue takes a far more sinister turn. It deserves all our attention and handled with care and urgency.

Today I'm not surprised everyone is addicted to video games, smart phones etc, mostly help us make things easier we can pay our bills, do jobs and many other things, as children is impressive as they are so addicted to the screens at the same time is good as on the other hand it is not, they put that they do not want to collaborate at home and neither dedicate time to good study is like everything has its advantages and disadvantages

More and more children and not so children are addicted to the screens. Technogia causes many addictions and the worst thing is that this has got worse. It's time to do something about it, before it continues to grow
Thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing this material
I wish you a great day