How to get out of a funk?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


Hello fellow steemians!

As usual, i'll be upvoting the best comments when it comes to answering the question of this post:

When you are in a do you get out of it?

You see, I haven't wrote for 2 weeks now. My life has been great to be honest but I just couldn't get myself to write on steemit. Now, I just hit the point where I realize that I had a "steemit blues" and decided to share what's going on.

So please, answer in the comment section this question: "What do you do when you are in a funk? How do you get out of it?"

Right here is my attempt to answer that question both for myself and for anyone who face this problem.

How to get out of the funk

1. Admit you are in a funk

I don't believe that saying "affirmations" and jumping up and down like in an Anthony Robbin seminar is truly what one must do to get out of a funk.

The truth shall set you free

Facing reality is much more helpful and empowering than running away or pretending nothing is happening. Once you know and admit you are in a funk, you are much better equipped to deal with the issue.

2. Look for a causal link

Something happened. If you can't draw any causal link between your funk and a chain of events, maybe you are depressive and maybe you should consult a professional. (I'm no psychologist but it seems obvious to me).

What happened for me to get into the funk of not writing for steemit while I was on a good streak of 5 articles a week? Well, I got distracted. I have this project that I really want to launch but what happened is that it sucked all my then realize that to do what I want to do well, I will have to wait until Steemit releases features that aren't there yet.

I don't like quitting and not bringing a project to fruition. Because of this, I lost "my groove".

How to get out of a funk

3. Reconnect with your WHY

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

One thing I realized in my life is that when I lose my motivation to do anything is often linked to when I lose sight of the reason why I do it.

This tends to happen especially when I reach a major goal in my life.

We are goal oriented being. Without goals, we are aimless and impotent. Without goals we get trapped into vices that have bad consequences for our lives. When we reach a major goal, we are left aimless and without goals and it can be a place where we get in a funk.

Goals are the "WHAT" of life.

But they all must be informed by our WHY. If what we do don't fulfill our WHY, we are in major trouble and we are bound to hit a wall sooner or later.

I had to do such a thing. Reconnect with my WHY and move forward.


Conclusion - It's your turn...

Please share below what you do when you get in a funk and want to get out of it. I can't wait to read your responses. I'll make sure to upvote the best comments.

There are 2 pages

This is simple but works for everyone that tries it :
Clean your environment, think about what habits it facilitates. Change it so it facilitates better habits.
We are context dependent creatures, want to do new things? Change your environment and you will change too

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You need to understand the cause of funk. When you understand the cause of grief, remember that in front of you there are only three options: change, avoid, resign. First of all, try to change the situation or avoid it, and if this is not possible, work on it to accept it.
And what would more dipressiya nepovtoryalas need to observe some things
Proper nutrition
good dream
positive thoughts and exercise.

I agree, cleaning outside clutter helps clear out inner too.

I get out of my funk by doing things I really enjoy. That might be watching a movie, having a nice drink, eating a great meal, being intimate with my wife, connecting with friends, or just doing something completely different I haven't done in a long time. Going for a run helps (or any exercise, really). I also enjoy learning new things so sometimes just learning something new sparks my interests and gets me thinking in a different way so I want to write about it or something else it made me think of. I love all of the points you made here, so I won't repeat them, but I use those as well.

Great and important post..thank you for sharing. Everybody gets in a funk sometimes and it is perfectly normal. I like to do an "audit" on myself. Check my biological balances sleeping regimen, eating habits, stress levels, etc. If I can pinpoint what I'm doing different, I can probably work on getting out of my funk. I always find it helpful to get fresh air and communicate with friends and family too. Steemin' always seems to help too!

What Dylan said works for me - plus always more coffee!

Great post. New to here and its the first post I've seen of yours. Brilliant stuff!!

I guess there are going to be many different interpretations of what a funk actually is...

It doesn't help when autocorrect tries to change funk to fu*k. But anyway...

I believe the problem starts when you do not have a goal in life. By this I mean an end goal of where you would like to get too.

It is hard to get in a funk if your goal is always in the back of your mind pushing and striving you forwards in life.
To reach your end goal there are always mini goals. These may be daily, weekly, yearly etc. By having these it is harder to get in a funk as you are always thinking, working towards, and aiming for your goal.

If the time comes your funk beats you down and you are struggling.
The end goal is always in your mind. It will win and pull you in the correct direction and get you out the funk.

On another note. This is the main problem of retirement. People work their whole lives with the end goal of a happy, peaceful retirement.
The time comes to retire and they just sit around doing nothing all day every day.
As there are no goals anymore. The body has nothing to live for and just gives up.
You get weaker and illnesses start to kick in.
This has happened to many people I know.

-Don't get in a funk.
-Keep them goals and targets for whatever happens in life.
-If you get in a funk, go back to your core goals and set mini goals to help you out of the funk.

Have a lovely day. :)

Funk. It happens to everyone. The degree of funk is of real concern. When I get in a funk, about anything, I might turn off the computer and walk away. I might go to the beach, do some snorkeling, go bowling. Breaking the funk routine is easy, just insert some fun or relaxation. Take in a sunset. When I get in a writing funk, I tend to explore other's writings for inspiration and ideas. At least it works for me. And to affirm... be careful with overly high aspirations. Affirmations will do no good for extremely lofty goals. Short-term goals are used to achieve long-term goals, and sometimes we just need to inject some intermediaries in-between the short-term goals. Hope this helps.

Thanks for all the upvote... love ya man!

These responses are all useful. What works for one person may not be what works for others. So have a pocket full of things to try, but put your heart into the attempt. I have always found smiling makes me feel better. It's the old saying "fake it to you make it.". If you are out and about and you smile people will respond with a like response. And someone already mentioned generosity. Pay it forward...there are a tons of people worse off than you and who knows your helping someone may bring real joy to their lives at a time most needed.

I think I am little bit late to answer the question, becoz I am in a different time zone than yours. I saw a lot of answers in the comment section, but here how I am dealing with "when I am in a funk? How do I get out of it?"

I am not a very optimistic person! So, if such kind of situation happen I will definitely upset by it! It might be a shock! But I know I can deal with it in few different ways, I can talk with my friends and share my experience or I can share it with my wife also. If any of the option doesn't work I know my mind will start fighting against it! Yeah, that's a great gift I got via my parents, specially my mother, I know how she is dealing the life, she can forget the incident and back to normal in a short time period! So I have that ability also. So, I think it might help me to forget what happened and dealing it in a proper way!
Anyway listening a music or watching a movie might help, but it's only for a short time period! Changing the place or environment doesn't help, coz it might not forget what happened until I found an answer! So, be relax and facing the funk and trying to figure out what happened, then we have answers!
As I said before I have a lot of sources to share it and find a proper answer for solve it! I think that's the best way to deal with such kind of situation!
According to your answer to this question I think I am following that way! "Why, How and What" That's the best thing to deal with such situation, I won't run way from it, finding the answer and solve the problem is the best way to deal with suck kind of situations in the life!


What a coincidence, I'm just coming out of such funk.
As to what I do , it's quite simple. I refuse to overthink it because once you do that, you get stuck in an endless circle. I tend to overwhelm myself with stuff to do and try to include as much people as possible, I also tend to focus on sports. It may seem counterintuitive but it works for me because sometimes you need to kick yourself in gear or you'll be in the slump for day/weeks.
Then again, if I'm in a funk because of tiredness I try to at least eat healthy, do some easy sports and hang around, just taking care of your body does wonders for your mind as well.

This post hits close to home for me right now! Yes I'm definitely in a funk. I'm a huge gamer, haven't played video games in nearly 4 months however. Maybe that will lift my mood!

I get out of funk by letting nature do its wonders. Nature has always been my to go , it gives me positive vibes no matter how I feel and it makes me feel my worries are small in this world . When I sit near the water , it gives me hope to look beyond the waves and see the other side . I love walking at night , alone . The spring and fall nights of walking give me a sense of hope and energy to become better . Now I lean back on a Steemit to share my emotions and experiences of my journeyoflife

When I get into a funk I have to watch myself carefully that I don't isolate myself... I force myself to get out into the world and do things that are past my comfort zone. It's the only thing that works. I find that when battling depression, you sometimes have to take two steps forward for one step that will pull you backwards. But the more you do every day to take care of yourself the more motivated you can get towards doing other things. Great post... lots to think about there.

It's funny, I was thinking of this last week. When I'm uselessly stewing in that dark mood, I typically do one of two things. First, I'll do something for someone. It's often unexpected and sometimes, just for my amusement, odd. For example, I've stayed up all night baking treats for the people in my life. The feeling of successfully accomplishing SOMETHING gives me a boost and drags me out of my funk. (Plus, getting moving is always good for the soul.) My second method is simple. I get myself to laugh. I have some of my favorite comedians and podcasts saved so that, if needed, I can queue up a better mood. After my mind has had a chance to focus on something other than what was bothering it, I can regroup and move on towards my WHY.

Welcome back @cryptocopus. Some steemians were going to send out a search party for you! To answer your question, I think the point you made about what drives a person is important to get out of a funk. If the reasons that were pushing you to write 5 posts are no longer there, or maybe your focus has shifted, so it's best to do the following;

  1. Identify what has changed and why
  2. Accept that not all changes are negative so maybe your feelings of feeling demotivated are redirecting you to a more purposeful path/project
  3. Channel your focus and energy onto what you feel will be the most rewarding to you

That's how I normally do it. If the funk is a temporary, I usually stop, focus my energy on something entirely new then revisit to see if or how my feelings have changed. Hope that makes sense.

Hello mate! Wow it's really been a long time since I last read from you!
The first way to really get out of a funk is firstly to accept the fact that you are in a funk, this is the most difficult part!
Once you calmly accept your state of funk, you are good to go to the next step!
Disconnect from everything for at least one day, and get connected to only mother nature to resource yourself. Have a walk in the nature, feel the freshness of the air, sit down directly on the soil...these will do a lot good to you!
Then when you finished doing all the above, get back home, re-arrange your working place by moving everything and make it look different from what it was before.
Have a nice shower, only then sit down and write ONE goal you want to achieve for the week. Don't write 10 goals at once...make one by one each week.
This will surely take you out of the funk state you are in!
I'm looking forward to read more from you mate, and I hope you get out of this funk as soon as possible!

First, as previously mentioned clean your environment. Take a walk. Sometimes funk happenes because of over thinking so just do it what you wanted to do.

Talking to mom helps too xD

This is what I do. I grab my camera (which is an iPod Touch these days) and head out for a walk in the woods... there is nothing like the fresh air and boost of oxygen you get walking through a coniferous forest. I take as many photos as possible and then come back, post a photo and talk about it. If the river is calm I will also head out in the kayak and take pictures of flora and fauna, turtles and autumn color. A good 2-3 hours outdoors and I am recharged and ready to go .... That's what I do.

Important information and the acknowledgement that we all have those times of feeling down and out of sorts. I usually try to understand what is causing the down feelings and work from that aspect. Getting a nap usually works along with being out and about in nature and preferably going over to the beach and just watching and listening to the waves crashing. Very soon I am so relaxed I have forgotten about the problem.

Easiest way I get out of funk. Meet my friends for a face-to-face meet, having the good ol' fun the way it's done before the smartphone, the Internet, etc took over.

Funk! The bane of my existence. Usually, mine comes from trying to make posts too nice looking (in my own head, not saying my posts are perfect, not even close) then getting tired or frustrated due to lack of time or energy to put in the required work to achieve such posts.

You raised some good points and the "why" is extremely important especially when you look at the whole picture. I think of steem as a long-term investment so sometimes it is easy to forget that and the funk can set in.

Tough question. When you are in misery through a loss of any kind it's difficult to get back into life's rhythm. When you're just feeling blue just because, no real reason, it's just a blue day, the only thing you can do in either case is to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. Always worked for me. Fortunately I think positive and that helps.

My time on Steemit uses lots of brain glucose. My synapses grow weary. Time away from Steemit is good. Enjoy the funk, go for a walk, have a good sleep and follow the advice of @offgridlife. I think he nailed it :)

Whenever I'm in a funk I like to throw on POV's of trains or bus rides along with some really chill music. It feels like I'm going on a little road trip at my computer. Relaxes me really fast - I usually leave it running on my other monitor which has been really helpfull all around.

If you're in a funk, the best thing to do is admit it and then forget it. Inspiration comes when you least expect it and then sometimes you get onto a roll!

My advice would be: don't lose any sleep over it.

If it doesn't ever come then so what? You've lost interest, there's no need to force yourself. Chances are, in letting it go for a while you'll be bursting with ideas!

Another piece of advice would be to go on a holiday or do something that changes your mindset and routine.

Either way, it sounds like some time to "not think" while actually figuring out heaps and therefore thinking heaps.

Good luck!

Actually to be very honest, I never had funks and I wonder how people can have them.
So for me, I am a religious person and I never ever do anything which I am not sure of that I will get rewarded for, so that's reason enough to stay motivated with whatever I do.
Secondly, I am a health and sport orientated person, so my life circles around this both. Again I don't have to motivate myself, because I love what I do. I mean, I eat healthy and never was into fast food crap, but the healthier I eat the more I hate unhealthy food. So there is no reason to motivate myself to eat and live healthy, because I love eating and living healthy.
Than, I do lift some heavy iron, and there are days, where the gravitity seems to be stronger than on other days, but because I love lifting heavy stuff, even these days I don't need to motivate myself.
I used to work as a construction worker, I hated every aspect of the job, but as I had a couple of children at home waiting for their daily bread, I never got into a funk.
So my humble advice, do things you love. And even if you have to do things you dislike or even hate, look at the reasons why you are doing them and just see them as the path to your goal.

Great question. Everyone is different and some people take longer than others. Normally taking up a new hobby or trying a new exercise can really ease things and help you think clearly. There is a great saying, 'We carry our issues in our tissues' and this is basically reminding us that whatever negative experiences or emotions we experience end up in our muscles. So maybe a challenging sport or fitness routine could help.

I put on the ghostbusters theme tune and then do a very silly dance floor the entirety of the song. It actually helps to have witnesses.

I challenge you to remain in a funk after that.

Them once the smiley magic has returned you can look at your day afresh through happy golden eyes.

Upvoted and followed! :-)

Thank you for your article. Some great points.

Some of what I'm about to mention has probably already been said but let's see. I agree with the idea of changing your environment. E.g. Just rearranging your living room or work area can be significant because it can help break up your present patterns and really help for a fresh start.

Also a lot of study has been done in relation to how aerobic exercise can help the brain clear out any cobwebs etc., and of course if you're really not into starting a running program or whatever, then if you do it anyway you're once again making an effort at changing your patterns.

Next is diet consideration. What are you feeding your machine? Here I'll include a link to a post I made earlier in relation to some book recommendations I made on the subject. Link to Health & Longevity.

There are of course more things that you can do but perhaps this is enough. I hope this info helps and that at the very least you found my presentation interesting! :-)

Good luck and I sincerely hope that you're already feeling back on target. :-)

Thanks for sharing! :-)

GRATITUDE!!! This works in all dimensions of focus, even low ones like being in a FUNK! There is always something to be grateful for with life and it can be a small thing like your BREATH, for without this nothing happens. Lifeforce breathing (aka deep breath) can support the practicing of what you are grateful for. Best to be limitless with gratitude for this is how awesomeness happens and then its good bye funk. Just remember, keep on breathing and if you forget it will still happen too! Thank goodness for that!

@cryptoctopus - Actually this is a good question Sir... "What do you do when you are in a funk? How do you get out of it?"
Truly, When i am in a funk, i just start to work hard. I do not waste a single minute.
And somehow if i get a free time, i used to read a book. By reading books, my mind get relaxed.

On the other hand, I think about the problem in an open mind, and, then face the truth without running away from the difficult. And i always think positively. Continuously, i think that everything will be all right, and the tomorrow will be more nicer than today...

And cooking.. I love to cook different kinds of meals. From that i am having a inner peace of my mind.

furthermore, i am revealing my inner mind to a trustworthy friend or a relation and talk about the matter. Then i can reduce the anxiety of my mind.
And also i do some plantation. I plant some vegetables, flowers. By loitering with the Nature also i can get out of funk.
In fact, this is a great post Sir.. I really admire your question.

+W+ [Upvoted]

Tough question with a very simple answer (for me anyhow). Like you, things are pretty good in my life at the moment, so being in a "funk" isn't something I tend to think about all that often (lately). I have many good things in my life to be thankfull for, and many not so good things that I "desire" to change. There lies my answer - any of the "not so good" things that affect me in a negative and noticable way , will receive significant effort to change them. There in also lies a sence of accomplishment and gratitude, giving me the happiness I was seeking...
I guess in a much less philosophical way I could have just said - see a problem, do what ever you have to to fix it, be happy about it, move on... :) Cool post... Steem on...

I first think that something has happened to me, something bad. And then I understand that this is all from too much stress, and you need to relax. I forbid myself to worry about anything, and walk in nature, listen to music, read. Gradually excess tension goes away.

For me it is usually an overload of information, then combined by some form of procrastination. Like "I know I need to get this done but what's the point". I always find it's when I've not had enough sleep and not been out. The best way to rest your mind is to go for a long walk (ideas start to flow) and also to read fiction.

Being in a funk happens to everyone, by realizing that everyone has good and bad days, you can figure out where you currently are when it comes to having writers block. Whenever I find myself slumping, I either explore my neighborhood, have a conversation with a good friend, or temporarily indulge in a hobby or something that I enjoy.

As I go throughout my day, I note down anything interesting that happened. Pulling back and going in a different direction for a little while helps me gain perspective and new insights that I can bring back with me.

As of current, I am working on taking my huge ideas and making them into smaller writing prompts so that I can produce more content and go into detail on more aspects than normal. This is part of my plan for overhauling my blog, and when I feel like I have "nothing to write" I can pull an idea card I made. Hope this helps, I will be making a post about this soon c:

Perfect timing for me... just started reading on Steemit, I'm only new. And then this.

I don't know why of all days I decided to finally accept my approval and start on here... perhaps it was just to read this.

I've realised my funk in the present is because I am so disatisfied with what I'm doing. I've explored my values, and my goals, and my 'why' exhaustively for the past few years.

But the fact is I'm tired. Exhausted. Over it. Sick and tired of focusing on my goals and values and 'whys' and 'what-foes'.... I'm not actually being me.

I've started working with a Psychotherapist, and she brought up something that struck me hard - I realised I have no HOBBIES.

Nothing I do, just for the love of doing it.

Everything I LOVED.... I turned into a business and have been monetising for the past few years. And so I have drained all the pleasure out of what brought me pleasure - no surprise there's no pleasure left.

So now, I'm trying to get back to who I am and what I love, so I can enjoy that again.

The biggest revelation in surrendering to it of course has been that I need to die (figuratively)... so much of my work-life has become my identity, and there are aspects of me wanting to jump out and start playing.

So that's where I'm at, that's what I'm doing (or not-doing) at present in my funkiness.

Take care, y'all 😊🙏🏽☯️

Welcome to Steemit @peterloupelis maybe the book I referred in my comment may help. “The Call” by Os Guinness. I can identify with some of the things you said.


Getting out of a funk:

Accept that many things in life come in waves. Good or bad things never come alone, but nearly always in heaps. It is OK to be in a funk sometimes, maybe there's other aspects of your life needing more attention at the moment. I don't think writing blogs should be a chore or a daily routine task. Your best content probably comes spontaneously.

Don't worry when you don't feel like posting for a while, we'll be here and we know you'll come back at some point. We are just too nice to abandon completely :)

Thank you for sharing this article. Sometimes it's hard to realize that we are in funk, when we already realize we are to sad, and to confused what we must to do. It's sometimes happened to me. And when i start to realize, the most important thing is i need to make my self busy till i got tired. Do not give a chance to my self alone and do nothing, until the time that i can think clearly to decided what makes me funk, is it important or not. When everything's better, usually i decided to have me time,maybe go to beach then go snorkling or diving, or even just to go to cafe and order some delicious cake or everything that makes me happy. It would make me get out from my "dark time"

But they all must be informed by our WHY. If what we do don't fulfill our WHY, we are in major trouble and we are bound to hit a wall sooner or later.

I had to do such a thing. Reconnect with my WHY and move forward.

I’m currently reading a book by Os Guinness titled “The Call”. I’m only a few chapters in but finding it worth reading. The back cover has the following;
“This book is for all, seekers and believers, who long to find and fulfill the purpose of their lives. Have you found “the ultimate why” for your life? Will you respond to the call?”


@cryptoctopus In the past, whenI get in a funk, I would not entertain it and divert my attention to other things that will make my mind and body busy hoping that the 'blue feel' will go away. It just did not work! It comes back to me like a stronger monster!

So I learned my lesson. Here are the things I do when I get in a funk.

First, I acknowledge it and embrace it. I would accept that I am like a moron if I feel like one. I would cry like a baby if I feel like it. I literally dwell in the blue ocean of lowness.

Second, I keep a journal of every detail of thoughts and moods that come and pass. This approach helps me track the flow and records the changing of my high and low mood, which serves as reference in the future.

Third, I get out of my routine -- hang out with friends, sing, dance, go on a road trip, get much sunlight, stay close to nature- trek in a forest, stay in a beach or trek in a forest, watch the activities of nature - rising sun, setting sun, flying birds, colors of the leaves, budding flowers, flying insects.

When I do these, I would feel whole again after. It gives me a kick! Then I would find myself an adorable, precious and beautiful creation! :) I get more productive and become a happier me :)

Nice question @cryptoctopus The way i get out of funk I just see the situation and watch them silently for 2 to 3 days in open nature also stop all of my recent activities,then go out with friends those who i like,It help me to become normal

That is a good question you have asked. I am an artist and I face the blues (funk) often , regarding everything - art, steemit, people, work. Everything.
With time I have realised that only one thing works. Understanding and accepting the drift and then working around it with a little discipline.

Not too hard. And not too little. Creates the perfect cocktail.
A sabbatical is important . We are not machines. :) . For me, silence music, and doing nothing in the sabbatical, helps.
You need to reconnect with your inner-self to get out of a "funk" :)

Action. Just do anything, start something new, travel for a bit, spend a day or two reading, exercise.....I find that action helps put things back into focus. The "why" reconnects to the "goals" and perhaps new goals and new why's appear and connect. Even writing on steemeit is a way to focus.
Hanging around asking yourself questions is natural, just a moment of assessment. Action leads to action that leads to focus that leads to accomplishment.
Just my opinion.

Oh dude ... just came across this post ... but feel the same way. I hadn't written on SteemIt for around 2 weeks as well. Perhaps what we both went through was influenced by the planets and star alignments? LOL ... I think there was something going around the air towards the mid to late half of Sept, with the "funk".

I've been slowly getting back into painting again, and now writing some stories on SteemIt.

I just take a deep breath

Thanks 4 share

Nice share @cryptoctopus
Can i make design for you. You can see in my blog 😀

it appears you're taking an analytical view of a somewhat emotional topic. My steemit blues relates to motivation, because I expect to be appreciated. That in terms of upvotes and monetary rewards. I'm relatively need to steemit, and I'm measuring this type of expected support in monetary terms.
So after writing numberous articles and honestly receiving little appreciated it tends to kill your motivation.
What inspires me is adjusting my expectations, and going more free flow to simply write about whatever topic seems to be inspiring to me at the time.
That takes off any pressure, and allows me to be productive and stimulated, like writing this post!

Funks can be easy to fall into especially when circumstances that we can not control seem to come in and knock us off of our feet. For me, exercising and watching inspiring movies can help.

I leave my funk. to be able to breathe and look at another man's world. and detect that we are human and what really matters is what you think

It has always been quite simple for me. My mother always used to say this:

There's only one way to get something done; just do it!

You can't blame her she doesn't even know what Nike is and what they produce, lol.

So yes, whenever you're in a funk, and you know you have to get out of it, there's no other way of working it out. Regain all your positive energy and let all the negativity out for that moment at least. Think of all the things you've achieved in life and forget what you lost. That''s where you gain that strength to 'just do it!'.

There are 2 pages