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RE: Psychology Addict # 30 | What Makes a Boy a Boy & a Girl a Girl?

in #psychology7 years ago

Yes my view has certainly evolved over my time as as ECE teacher (I have been working in ECE for over 2 years). I always challenge children when it comes to gender sterotypes - and I would often do things that werent what males would traditionally do such as wear pink or paint my nails.

I was lucky that I has such a supportive team and environment in my last position I think the world is starting to accept and see the benefits of having a male teacher. I wish I could do more to be an advocate for being a teacher it is such a great job and I feel truly lucky.

Interestingly we have moved to Spain recently for our OE and it is nice to see the gender stereotypes arent so strong here and I think other countries could learn alot.