Simultaneous Opposing Thought Processes

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Ever had something happen in your life that produced two simultaneous opposing thought patterns?

You've just received a promotion at your job, the position you've been eyeing for some time. You're elated and thrilled for the opportunity, as it fulfills one of your primary goals within your career path.

But, at the same time, you also have another stream of thoughts. These cognitive discursions bring on feelings of anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. Will you succeed in your new role or will the increased responsibility be too much to handle?

This is an example of simultaneous thinking

When we go about our lives, moving from one experience to another, we're often confronted with competing mental processes, pulling us in different directions at the same time. This can be a disorienting feeling, as we're caught between vastly different perspectives on the same event.

It can be confusing and almost nauseating to be caught between two poles. In the prior scenario, we're both happy and afraid, celebratory and cautious.

Many events in life can trigger opposing feelings at the same time. A family vacation can be both incredibly stressful and enjoyable. Getting laid off from work can be terrifying and liberating.

Walking the middle path

In my last post, I detailed how I've recently made progress in getting a writing query accepted by a publication, which means I'll be submitting an article with the possibility of being published. This has been something I've been striving for, as I've sent out many queries in the hopes of receiving a letter of acceptance.

Feelings of positivity have been mixed with feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt over the response. I'm not sure if I'm particularly sensitive to this experience, but it's one I'm often confronted with when a new opportunity arises.

What I've come to understand is that this is the reality of pursuing our passions and pushing ourselves to reach beyond our current situation. Comfort and complacency often tempt you back into their fold, making you believe that they're a better option than taking a chance.

But what these feelings won't reveal is that, while they may provide a relief from stress and responsibility, they will also bring feelings of shame and guilt for not remaining resolute. The same predicament we attempt to avoid usually finds a way to reappear in a new form.

The question that arises is: what kind of simultaneous thought patterns do we want to experience? Do we want the experience of relaxing all the time with a nagging sense of remorse? Or do we want the pursuit of personal glory with a feeling of discomfort and anxiety?

Laid to bare, the decision to go with the latter choice is obvious, even if there's still a part of you that is dragging you towards the alternative.

All uncredited pictures from or my personal account

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So relevant. I'm proud of you! Your writing is on point, hope things go well :D

Thanks for your kind words! It is gratifying to know you appreciate my work :)

I am stoked to see Stateless when it's finished!

The system of this whole universe is based on two opposite forces. Dark-light, positive energy-negative energy, right-left, up-down etc. are equal but opposite. Without north pole, south pole cannot exits.
This is also applicable in our life. Opposite emotions and feelings create our personality. One emotion pulls us towards one thing and the other to opposite direction. But success or rather we should say right decision is the process of going with the right emotion.

Spot on analysis. It can be difficult to not feel overcome with the negative polarity, but embracing it as a necessary part of our discovery process is essential.

@colinhoward Excellent writing once again, a new fan here.
Feelings create chemicals within the body. When you have these conflicting events the body wants to go back to what it knows and this means staying in the past. You are evolving by pushing past these body memories.

You never want to get too comfortable.
Meditation helps us move into the present moment and move out of the past.

Keep going..what a beautiful journey you are on. 🎈