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RE: Extreme Altruism and the Psychopathic Brain.

in #psychology7 years ago

Glad you brought this up. This post was a biological view of the brain circuitry involved in personal behavioral decisions and its potential impact on the rest of us. I believe that conscience represents our ability to access and interpret the neurological activity within those areas emotionally if not critically. It is our gauge of that activity or lack thereof.

Conscience is a learned phenomenon. It also reflects the morals of the society in which it was learned. One common analogy is that of an angle on one shoulder and a devil on the other and therefore it involves judgement and concepts of good and evil, which takes it far beyond the scope of my post.

Your premise is correct in that psychopaths have no feedback from that part of their brain and therefore do not experience conscience. And yes, they do recognize each other and tend to form groups that further their paranoid agendas.

On the other hand, due to the nature of conscience and its conditioning by morality that reflects both personal choices and cultural indoctrination, an extreme altruist may appear to be a psychopath on the surface but is, in fact, acting out in reaction to their conscience. The "angle of death" nurse who gives lethal injections to the terminally ill, or the Nazi eugenicist who spends his career attempting to engineer a better human are probably listening to that inner voice and believe that what they are doing is appropriate and just.

Their activities go far beyond what our society deems normal or moral, but that is a social judgement call unrelated to the functioning of the brain circuitry described in the National Geographic article. "Normal" people perform horrific acts too.


I think also there is one more fact to consider.
The ideology factor.

You know when a group of people that unite themselves with the notion that they themselves are the only real humans and the rest of us are just their cattle.

Then like a rancher culls his herd they do just that as they deem is necessary.

I don't think that takes any special brain waves or connections.
It is just the training they receive from birth and is enforced their entire life.

That they are the only humans, the rest of us are not human therefore there is no reason to feel remorse for wrong, because it is not wrong for a rancher to cull his herd.

That is a social problem and is probably the result of one charismatic psychopath and his "bright" idea. Never forget that the average person is a follower who doesn't develop critical thinking skills. It isn't his fault, but the fault of the society in which he lives. People will always fall prey to "groupthink."

Governments and their controllers do not want people to think, only comply. There is little incentive to instill critical thinking skills in the average person, so charismatic Hitlers can and do and will continue to push societies in evil directions.