Surviving the Loss of Your Pet

in #psychology9 years ago (edited)

Some people may be surprised to read that losing a pet such as a dog or a cat or even a bird or a hamster can put someone into a state of severe grief, just as devastating if not more so than loosing a person. This is because the bond with an animal and the unconditional love and joy they show you and the dependence upon you when in your company is a greater loss in many way compared to our partners, friends or family, who we don’t always agree with, there may be possible unresolved issues, people are more complicated, animals are not, they show us the most unflawed form of unconditional love and joy that lights our souls and hearts up.

Fortunately, animal sentience is becoming a part of animal rights laws as human consciousness is recognizing that sentience and consciousness is not limited to the human being, science is showing us that all living creatures and even plants share sentience and consciousness, we are beginning to acknowledge that animals have just as much right as we do to be identified as persons in the court of law, a recent record breaking animal neglect case was won in the US state of Oregon, for a dog who was abused, dogs are sentient beings and should be classes as persons. The same with Dolphins, six years ago I interviewed Dr. Thomas White about his groundbreaking research and book ''In Defense of Dolphins, the new moral frontier'', Dr. White and other scientists and animal activists are making the case to recognize dolphins and other cetaceans as sentient creatures who deserve the same rights as people and after over 2500 scientific studies on this subject, more is being done to improve how we treat, class and recognize all animals as sentient beings and persons in their own right.

Yet, some people are still embarrassed by the overwhelming grief they feel for the loss of their pet, especially if others don’t react or treat their feelings as important which leads to disenfranchised grief, one of the best articles I read about loosing a dog was by Joe Yonan in The Washington Post-
´´ The fact that our pets are so dependent on us makes it all too easy to second-guess our decisions and descend into a pit of guilt. Shouldn’t I have known? Did I do everything I could? If I had just . . . what? Taken him to the vet sooner? Insisted he be hospitalized? What if I had been home? I might not have been able to save him, but at least in his last moments he would have known I was with him, and maybe that would have made it a little easier for him if not for me. Simply stated, many people (including pet owners) feel that grief over the death of a pet is not worthy of as much acknowledgment as the death of a person,”

Researchers wrote in a 2003 article in the journal Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. “Unfortunately, this tends to inhibit people from grieving fully when a pet dies.”

I am presently going through this after loosing my ten year old dog Poppy who died due to heart failure, I have been very surprised by the very open expressive sympathy friends have shown me. Unlike my other dogs, Poppy and I had a deeply profound bond. Many of my friends have said how devastated they were after loosing their furry family members and how long it took them to get over the loss. I have friends that went into the pits of despair and to the edge of a breakdown just as one would with loosing a dearly loved person and you could tell they were struggling to move forward. It's nothing to be ashamed of, feeling this way about the loss of a dog or a cat or your closest best friend that spent more time sharing moments of unconditional love and joy with you than any human friend or family member has.

A dog or a cat or any animal you deeply bond with, whatever it may be, is there for you and loves you unconditionally, you have a daily routine with that animal, you do everything together and they end up being more of a part of your life than some people could ever be and you get a sense they know exactly how you feel most of the time too. It is especially hard for a person living alone to loose such a valuable companion.

When you love something or someone deeply, you have an equal amount of fear in losing the object of your love. My biggest fear in the world was loosing my dog Poppy, she brought me so much happiness and joy over the last ten years, more than any amount of fortune or relationship could have given me, we had so many treasured adventures and moments together and our connection was so profound we could read one another's thoughts, I'd just think 'walkies' and she would appear ready for me to put her harness on. My only real deep fear was her dying and loosing her, this I was afraid of for a few years before she actually passed over the rainbow bridge, on the positive side it made me cherish our moments together and live completely in the moment with her. Poppy to me, was the closest I have ever been to having a true soulmate in the body of an animal, she was a person and stood greater in her energy, spirit and wisdom than any person I have met in my life. She gave me the best reason to be alive every day. Losing her has been the worst and most tragic experience of my entire life, I'd give anything to just feel her body in my arms and her big beating heart.

Though, since having lived the reality of my greatest fear and going through this deep emotional loss, something surprisingly strange has happened after loosing Poppy, she has somehow helped return a fragment of myself I lost after my early youth, an old emotional part of myself that was always able to laugh in the face of adversity, but after sometime I lost that part of me, and got worn down, maybe her presence in the other realms allows her to bring gifts of healing for me, she is a very powerful being for me, somehow a lost part of my prior self when I was very young has returned only after her passing and she has also been a reason for us to discover some information that could help other street dogs. After the initial stages of processing grief and loss it helps a little to change ones perspective, I know this as someone that has lived with severe depression, you learn how to manage it via different perspectives if possible. Despite being isolated physically I am drawing towards a feeling of something intangible, not easy to put into words.

There are moments where I feel that everything for my spirit will be okay because Poppy's soul is quite powerful and she has shown me that our deepest fears when lived out, end up providing us with gifts afterwards as they dissolve after surviving them somehow on different levels. I just cannot put into words how in awe I am of the incredible number of insights my Poppy is teaching me each day from across the realms beyond life and death. I grieve for the loss of her abundant love, joyful spirit and physical presence while her soul is just so strong and bright. it permeates by illuminating my life in so many subtle ways with the ultimate gift of true unconditional love, she is still with me in spirit.

The best thing we can do while we are grieving the loss of our furry or feathered friends is to realize they found us and taught us unconditional love and to be grateful for the time we had with them. There is a proverb about a boy who lost his dog and apparently after his dog died he said that the reason dogs have shorter lives than people is because they already know how to love unconditionally and be joyful all the time, so they don’t need to spend much time here, whereas people are still learning that so we live a while longer.

by Carlita Shaw
Ecologist, Activist, Author


We lost one of our pups just a month ago. I was amazed that I actually did feel a deeper sense of lose than I did after losing human family members. Animals are great gifts of the Universe to us; tiny examples of Unconditional Love In Action. And I believe that Love lives on even after physical death. Even still, the separation is painful.

sincere and deeply beautiful post, made me cry! I like steemit so much because you can instantly get a deeper understanding of someone you have "known" on social media for years, Thanks Carlita

Thank you for reading it Elissa, a big hug amiga, I just discovered #steemit, its an amazing concept and am really excited to be here and share my words, thanks for the support!

Think long term, for a month or three, see how it feels, someone like you who has heaps of pre prepared writings will find it easy, its inspirind lots of fresh writing ffrom me too, try not to think about the money though its impossible ; ), its such a lucky draw, and were getting away from rothschild dollars just a bit more every day

Beautiful article, reminded me of my beloved Siamese Tomeu, never had a pet since he passed, couldn't bear that kind of loss again.
I'm feeling very happy by the connection here sisters

my heart goes out to you, some of our fur people touch our souls so profoundly, they are carved like stone angels in our hearts when they depart. I totally understand your pain. Big Hugs xx

Carlita Thank you for sharing this wonder-full and insightful story:
"The best thing we can do while we are grieving the loss of our furry or feathered friends is to realize they found us and taught us unconditional love and to be grateful for the time we had with them. There is a proverb about a boy who lost his dog and apparently after his dog died he said that the reason dogs have shorter lives than people is because they already know how to love unconditionally and be joyful all the time, so they don’t need to spend much time here, whereas people are still learning that so we live a while longer."
We know from Interlife research that the souls of your favorite pets can greet you when you enter the Interlife [along with many souls with whom you have incarnated over many livetimes]. And your favorite pets in this lifetime can reincarnate into a new animal and seek you out in this very lifetime. I know of such a case! We are all souls in the dimensional ecology together. Alfred ;-)

Thank you Alfred, I love your work and have great respect for you, I am so grateful to have you as a friend. I believe this about our furry and feathered friends, they are higher spirits than we are and help us learn unconditional love in one of the most challenging realms in the Omniverse and just this morning was sent this video Alfred

Thank you Alfred, I love your work and have great respect for you, I am so grateful to have you as a friend. I believe this about our furry and feathered friends, they are higher spirits than we are and help us learn unconditional love in one of the most challenging realms in the Omniverse and just this morning was sent the above video , Abrazos

How awesome to see you here! Your journey is amazing and inspiring, you've held up through many struggles. Many blessings! Tom :)

I too look forward to more of your writing and most of all I wish you abundant happiness, health and good fortune, dear friend!

no human has ever come close to the bond that i feel with my pets. i still haven't figured out why so many people value humans above their animal friends. not to be too harsh but, i've had a couple pets that were smarter than most people i've known. they just don't speak my same vocal language, so what? it has taught me a nearly infinite amount about body language, and other forms of nonverbal communication. deceit is almost completely foreign to them. they can be self centered but, they have no malice. this may be obscene to some but, i have felt loss more deeply with one pet, than i did when my grandmother passed. sorry, grandma, but it's true. i didn't know about your book, it looks amazing. i can barely talk to anyone about the problems we face as the aggregate ecosphere, without the same old global warming assumptions. people seem more afraid of CO2 than they are radiation, PCBs, dioxin, and other craziness. i am frankly astonished how few people will broach the subject of energy technologies called free energy or technologies with a greater than one coefficient of performance. thank you. i would be curious of your thoughts on gmos other than the increase of herbicide use. do you have evidence of damage caused by the genetic manipulation. i find genetic transfer between bt corn and microbes that make up the intestinal biome. that is all i can substantiate so far. there may be induced plasmid level mutation due to the antibiotic effect of glyphosate and the like. any thoughts would be welcome. i admit this post may not be the venue for this subject matter. please accept my apology. i rarely come across people who seem to be able to think. i believe i may have let my enthusiasm run away with me. thank you for your time.

Hi there, thanks for sharing such a heartfelt comment and I agree with everything you write about animals, I also feel most animals are smarter and behave with far more decency and consideration than most humans do!

The rest of your Qs touch on so much, GMOs, to sum, extremely dangerous to the biodiversity of Earth, sadly and one of the most terrible violations is to let them be used in the rain forest to grow GMO soy, the main agenda with GMOs is to patent all biodiversity and life that gets contaminated with them. The TPP also makes sure that no one can take Monsanto to court for justifiable suing, yet Monsanto can take any farmer or anyone that has land including conservation land or organic food growing land to court to sue them if their crop or wildlife gets contaminated with GMO they are liable to pay Monsanto, this is total insanity and definately part of the Agenda 21/30 NWO ploy to control the worlds food and patent all life. Glyophosphate was a ticking time bomb, cotton is one of the most toxic cash crops that uses it and its no surprise they find it in tampons and other cotton products. Again, all part of the agenda to destroy life and replace it with synthetic patented life and robot pollinators.

it sounds as though i' ve been on the right track. thank you.

Fabulous heartfelt words Carlita...somehow we are made more human by your love for Poppy and your other pets. We can see that love so clearly through both your imagery and your writing. Your presence is such a gift to the world

wow thank you, I am just happy I can reach out to others on this subject as people seem so embarrassed to express their feelings of grief when it comes to the loss of an animal but as human consciousness is progressing, humans are beginning to acknowledge animals as equally sentient beings, we obviously have so much work to do at that level because the amount of animal torture and abuse is overwhelming but we are getting there albeit slowly.

Our pets are family members just as much as the humans. There is nothing to be ashamed of in grieving for them the same way.

This is a beautiful post, Carlita. I'm sorry about Poppy. The wonderful thing about cats and dogs is that they give us unconditional love and never ever judge us. The pets in my home are a part of our family. When it's time for them to go to the Rainbow Bridge, it's always devastating. But it's important to remember the happy times and love we shared.

That was exceptionally well said Carlita. I could not agree with you more from someone who dearly misses their beloved Golden Retrievers Cheyenne and Durango who graced my life for much too short a time.

Reading this I began to feel sad for my best friend Kong, he just dissappeared over a month now, and i know he wouldnt just up and leave me. I hope he is in a better place :-(

Wow such a deep post about love and affection towards pets.Its kind rare because nobody talks love between its always been love between humans.Well as far I know an unconditional love between a human and an animal is equally strong as love between human. I felt lost and depressed when i lost my pet rabbit Josey few months ago...Now i dont know if I get another pet rabbit whether it will be same as Josey. But being with Josey taught me to love unconditionally without any expectations

Hello! I would love to vote for this story. I am new to steemit and using a mobile phone. Anyone could tell me where to vote? I am not very good with technology.... ☺

That was a very clear and beautiful way of explaining that feeling. ☺💜

HI everyone I thank you all for the wonderful comments, I am so glad this article resonates, there needs to be a space held for discussing the grieving over pets just as much as with loosing people. Not something to be ashamed of discussing as valid emotions and valid grief. Unfortunately, I received more terrible news today regarding one of two brother kittens I rescued who I hand reared, diagnosed with Feline Leukemia, it's likely the other has it too, have to take them both to the vet on monday and test if the other one has it. I am told that the one that does have it, could survive between 8 weeks and 6 months but I am determined to find a cure, I just read about Aloe Vera being a possible cure Aloe Vera Feline Leukemia Treatment: Acemannan is a complex polysaccharide derived from the Aloe vera plant. It is used in as an immunomodulator. In veterinary medicine Acemannan (acetylated mannose) in injectible form has been approved for use in the treatment of fibrosarcomas and feline leukemia (FeLV).

Because of its high antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effectiveness, acemannan is also being researched for use in the treatment of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and even HIV with promising results.

We have to keep fighting for Love

We Have to Keep fighting for Love