I know the pain and struggle too. It took me until my 30's to make the decision to no longer let my past control or dictate my life. There are still days that I struggle with it though. You are more valuable to the world today. We can't change, fix or modify our past. We can only learn, grow and embrace the lessons that we learned from it.
I encourage to take the steps necessary to use your talents and abilities today at this very moment. Don't let your past hold you back. If you do, then down the road our 'What ifs' and 'What could have been' questions become harder to answer.
Hope this helps :)
I will be 50 in april and I do use my talents and have all my life, I just think I would have been more effective if I had not had to deal with the insane occurrences of my past and long periods of having to focus on literal survival versus creativity. My artistic side did relatively well and I used my engineering talent in daily life but my scientific talents just did not have the ground to germinate- life needs to be stable for that. Right now I am trying to work on a study next to the rest of my chaos but I just wonder sometimes how much more I could have gotten done.
Ah yes....my favorite question I find myself asking from time to time too. I have yet to find the answer to stopping it lol