Positive psychology @beingbeatitude

in #psychology7 years ago

The Positive Psychology of life is to maximize the personal state of consciousness Kuhn, (1970). In this article I will show via the five personal psychological core strengths of my human being from the response test of the VIA Institute (2017) how this natural environment of the self with positive psychological enhances. Harmonious living to reach happiness within towards inner own micronism in combination with inner nature to enhance the performance of the macronism and project real outer nature. Experiencing the full positive potential of being beatitude, It is to find the good in man and so the good in all. To have the infinite bliss with divine love to shine upon the world.

Strength 1 Spirituality.

Appreciation of the sky that gives us humans the planetary energies, energy fields that are hidden inside all things.
Aristotle learned the theory of planets from Plato and knew all about the energy forces of nature. Aristotle's philosophy on positive psychology was to see the good in the spirit. “What do we mean by the good? Certainly, as sight is in the body, so is reason in the soul. some one might think it worthwhile to recognize this with a view to the goods that are attainable and achievable: for having this as a pattern we shall know better the goods that are good for us, and if we know them shall attain them.” Aristotle, (2014). These words of goodness form a transformation of pure integrity of self-awareness to have a flourished happy life. The creator spirits of the planets in our solar system flowing in us all leading to the main purpose of life.
Go with the flow of life to create the happiness within and that what is created from the eyes of the creator. Give with integrity within thyself as the creator that manifest our elements with our senses to own reality of unconditional love in self, to create the unconditional good towards the outside and so towards all life forms via the key of the soul. This personal theory is based on all forms of history.
In history there were plenty of high developed human beings talking about inner positive psychology of the heart and the pineal gland: Plato, Pythagoras, Marcus Aurelius and Iamblichus, as well as in religions of Egyptian, Tibetan, Greek, Indian and Cristian and they all have in common that the pineal gland is the key of the soul Kuhn, (1930). In the book of Christopher Peterson about positive psychology, (2006, p 97,) it states; trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller. It really is the wrong conclusion when it comes to happiness. The pattern of looking with the mind can only reach a certain level. The level of one’s brain capacity.
However, when looking within the heart there is a way to become taller each day inside the self, inside of being where happiness can grow with unlimited potential. Human beings have forgotten how to look deeper inside. As within so without is the philosopher stone.
Dr David R. Hawkins wrote in his book: The stairway to Enlightenment, (2006) that the transcendent levels of consciousness are stages of energy fields. These magnetic energy fields are powerful when it comes to the heart. It is stated that the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the brain according to the Heartmath institute, (2012 ).

Strength 2: Prudence
It is the mind that requires to be silenced to fully understand what it is to be in prudence. To attract what I entail by listening to the soul and knowing from paste experience what is best for the heart and the body. To control the white magnetic light inside W Russel, (1947). The right cause that will attract the right affect, the right color, the right energy, the right direction of that energy (spirit). Being careful about my own choices not taking unnecessary risks not doing things that might later be regretted .
Research on human strengths and virtues is key, rather than stating hope as the word of prudence. Page 123 of A PRIMER IN Positive Psychology, (2006) in which hope was cast in terms of people’s expectations that goals could be achieved.
Pure Psychology is based on mind behavior. The approach viewed is wrong in my eyes. Take out the hope to stop looking outside, instead gain insight. Insight of being a form of a pure hearted being that knows that Love in this world is best, gained by experience, to look in one’s soul, to feel and listen in the body rather than to think and be blocked by a wall of mind (ego) capacity.

Strength3: Social intelligence
Social intelligence is being aware of the motives and feelings of others. Knowing character strengths and virtues and that every being has the capacity to switch on the light inside to experience the good, the laughs, the humour, kindness the inner strengths. The spirits are the same in the human being than that in nature the temple of how it is used is just different. It is to fit in and to gain the power of the present moment to capture intelligence of flow providing an understanding the experiences during individuals and what the animal kingdom are involved in. This Journey is really speculating if the animal kingdom is more advanced than us when it comes to social intelligence.
Social intelligence goes hand in hand with environmental psychology where exposure to nature has an enormous number of benefits to let the real spirits shine in the now. Social intelligence is the engagement with each other to have gratitude for each other and to be mindful about the environment of each other’s intelligence and so each other’s capacity Mayer & Geher, (1996).
Forest bathing is a
Picture is from the thescienceexplorer.com

perfect example of being with others to create social intelligence in the environment to make bonding (look at our mammals) To be socially and learn from experiencing the flow. Every person has a character strength a predominant spirit a predominant element and it is to find that strength of behaviour in the being to flourish in social environments. Building strengths from the inside out as a social human being .

Strength 4: Zest
Zest is full of excitement and energy the moment the pineal gland starts to glow inside of me I know it is time to go out in nature and start manifesting intentional seeds to spread across the land to give to nature. Nature is full of energy (spirit) and has the best healing capabilities it is the manifestor of creation to be creative, to flourish and to have the capabilities to let the flowers pop combining the powers of mother earth and father sun. The idea of them creating other ideas where their spirits join forces inside my soul my human body my universe. The universe has the infinite bliss off feeling alive and realise how these beautiful forces work together to create positive outcomes. Approaching life with excitement and full spirit from the universal soul. Zest expresses dynamic figure together with delight explaining the happiness . Happiness could well and truly be that the higher the inner magnetic energy field from the heart (A PRIMER IN Positive Psychology, (p80,81), the higher the persons soul acknowledgement, the higher the state of awareness, the higher the state of happiness. This form of measurement via the electromagnetic field of the heart is crucial as the brain is 5000 times less effective. Hawkins, (2006). Research practitioners should take this on board especially when happiness is related to the heart and not to the brain.

Strength 5: Leadership
Encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done. Steemit it is time to shine and at the same time maintain good relations within the group, organizing group activities in a nature setting is key. It is the power of the positive. Marcus Aurelius, (2013). knew leadership managing, to be king of a total empire living with integrity within himself, to find what was good for the people is how leadership should be approached.
However, Aurelius often stated that we learn by our mistakes this is misleading in the mind and it would be truer to say that we learn from successes as long we know why we are being successful. To praise makes confident and security Rogers, (2012).
As a leader I acknowledge that every person has different character strengths and therefor there will be a difference in flow about each individual. A dominant form of spirit and it is to find the strength to grow this to its full potential.
I changed the energy flow inside my body in meditation. Being still in the mind to feel beatitude and have unconditional love is the outcome of that shift of changed energy. As a human being and a Heart Coach it is my purpose to let others experience their personal psychological core strengths and how it is to feel these magnetic energy forms of the universal heart from the world . To gain back the right to live in peace with the good of nature, according to mother earth and father sun.


Aristotle, (2014) https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-ethics/ published Tue May 1, 2001

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Peterson, C. (2006). A primer in positive psychology. Oxford University Press.

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Thank you for this post - I´m very interest in positive psychology - I will follow you!

Thank you for following being beatitude #beingbeatitude is a lot more than just positive psychology towards the human being it is to take the change from the mind to the heart that will transform the way the world lives and reacts towards one another to inner nurture thyself and so to give love back towards the outer nature.

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